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Use antipathy in a sentence

Definition of antipathy:

  • (noun) a feeling of intense dislike
  • (noun) the object of a feeling of intense aversion; something to be avoided; "cats were his greatest antipathy"

Sentence Examples:

Nor have I any rooted antipathy to you.

It is a case of sympathy and antipathy.

Is it something even deeper than racial antipathy?

Heat has an antipathy in nature to cold.

Profound and potent sentiment of race antipathy!

He carries his anti-Quaker antipathies too far.

She had been ashamed of her antipathy.

My antipathies ought to be kept private.

He exhibited a strange antipathy toward her.

There is a natural antipathy between them.

Individual antipathy comes quickly to the surface.

Nay now, this is mere blind antipathy!

An unreasonable antipathy seemed to attend her efforts.

Perhaps because he had roused some personal antipathy.

With me this attained to a deep-rooted antipathy.

I have been laying stress on my antipathies.

It has also a distinct antipathy to cats.

In short, is it by Sympathy or Antipathy?

Her antipathy to Peel in 1839 was notorious.

She had curious little prejudices and antipathies.

Compose a sentence containing the word "antipathy."

These three antipathies were connected with water.

Between the two hotels is mortal antipathy.

Strong antipathies are thus gradually softened down.

Their mutual antipathy lasted through their lives.

Carroll his antipathy to renewing old friendships.

They nevertheless have their sympathies and antipathies.

Harley had shown such a mortal antipathy.

He declared, shaking himself free of his antipathy.

Desire and antipathy also belong to the soul.

His antipathy had been aroused at the outset.

He has discovered a foolish antipathy of mine.

Miss Hamilton cherished a rooted antipathy for automobiles.

Curiosity became too strong for his native antipathy.

Many people have a violent antipathy for both.

He had developed a particular antipathy to borrowing.

Such things create antipathies, even on board ship.

The supposed antipathies are made in the States.

In this antipathy I am not unique, I fancy.

He also conceived a violent antipathy to George Hendrick.

His antipathy for the man was growing.

Suppose this were a case of the same antipathy.

Between north and south was deep-rooted antipathy.

Nor have I any rooted antipathy to you, sir.

I had a brother's antipathies and rightful suspicions.

He has besides a certain antipathy against him.

Literary antipathies do not die with the dead.

There was in that some truly inexplicable antipathy.

It's strange the antipathy he bears to Sheppard.

There are natural antipathies and they are God-given.

Not an anger against him, just an antipathy.

For I am without convictions, antipathies, prejudices, reflections.

There may be grounds often for our antipathies.

For flowers have friendships, and antipathies as well.

I cannot understand his antipathy to the horse.

The force of the latter lay in antipathy.

She seemed really proud of her milk-and-cream antipathy.

Your antipathy to apostles and prophets prove it.

For all this antipathy there were various reasons.

Sanford's antipathy to the lawyer was no secret.

He had a long-standing antipathy for the Liberals.

His antipathy to the Armenians became immediately apparent.

I always did have an elective antipathy for Jim.

I always did have an antipathy to this man!

There seemed to be an unconscious antipathy and fear.

Or, have you perhaps an antipathy to this room?

It was always easy to arouse the slumbering antipathy.

I felt a sort of innate antipathy towards him.

Mankind have naturally a degree of antipathy for reason.

They have a rooted antipathy to novelty and improvement.

For one thing, there's a sort of racial antipathy.

Mitchell had a most serious antipathy to a kitten.

To this habit their antipathy is deep and intuitive.

Feminine boating nature has no antipathy to the cigarette.

Between these two there was a great antipathy.

Creed and caste antipathies were combined against them.

He exists not by sympathy but by antipathy.

It must have been a sudden antipathy, as you say.

There would be reciprocal antipathies doubling the danger.

National antipathy operated on some minds, religious antipathy on others.

We form violent antipathies and indulge exclusive preferences.

The public was fundamentally right in its antipathy.

The strong ethnic antipathies will keep them apart.

Those instincts and antipathies, they are very odd.

All their hidden antipathy broke forth in fury.

All their hidden antipathy broke forth in fury.

Such inherited antipathies seem common and natural enough.

An antipathy looked dead in the face is always pointless.

There was some inherent antipathy between these two.

Antipathies between the two suddenly exploded in action.

Another odd thing was his antipathy to red.

He could not understand this antipathy, this horror.

The anonymous letter was evidence of this insane antipathy.

On the spot I conceived an antipathy toward lions.

Antipathies also form a part of magic (falsely) so-called.

If antipathy goes with it, so much the better.

On his return to Paris he encountered renewed antipathy.

Do you still indulge your old antipathy for society?

To her the king very early took an antipathy.

I have been useful to your loves and to your antipathies.