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Definition of antipathy:

  • (noun) a feeling of intense dislike
  • (noun) the object of a feeling of intense aversion; something to be avoided; "cats were his greatest antipathy"

Sentence Examples:

Neither one of us believed that our relationship would last, because we unmasked at once and gave free vent to our antipathies.

One of his peculiarities was a mortal antipathy to the whole French nation, whom he frequently abused in no measured terms.

He experienced an instinctive dislike of her, and was positively certain that the vague repugnance would deepen into actual antipathy.

The absolute antipathy which the majority of Americans manifest for the aboriginal names, even in a translation, is really remarkable.

Statues of women evoked both carnal and esthetic response; of men, no emotions whatever, save a deepening of that native antipathy.

Like Hannibal of old concerning the Romans, Weatherford had early instilled into him a profound antipathy for the whites.

The extent to which differences of what is called race is an element in national likes and dislikes, predilections or antipathies.

Her natural talents and capabilities seemed paralyzed; desolation overwhelmed her, temptations to anger, antipathy and even despair pressed on her.

If in spite of every care antipathies to certain articles of food appear and persist, we must be content to bide our time.

Particular hurricanes bring swarms of insects, which never come near the unicorn; they seem to have a great antipathy to him.

There are a number of contributory causes, which lately have created antipathy to constitutional methods and tended to increase in numbers.

The patron's antipathy to the execution of the plan may originate in another quarter and fasten upon quite a different point.

I am acquainted with a man, having strong olfactory sympathies and antipathies, who detects the presence of menstruation by smell.

Olfactory antipathies are, however, often strictly subordinated to the individual's general emotional attitude toward the object from which they emanate.

Hatred which arises from rejected love is stronger and more vehement than enmity resulting from inexplicable antipathy, jealousy, or disagreement.

And more tenacious even than his loving remembrance of his mother was the invincible antipathy he cherished for his father.

They feel themselves invulnerable behind the double fence of sympathy with themselves, and antipathy to the rest of the world.

His pronounced antipathy towards me caused me to watch him surreptitiously, and more closely than perhaps I should otherwise have done.

Let us have the magnanimity, sir, to lay aside our antipathies and prejudices, and consider the subject in a political light.

It is the opposite to frozen antipathy, to tepid curiosity, to sinful "don't care," to all immoral coldness and calculated indifference.

College professors, he avers, have an antipathy for Samuel Butler; the chief interest of Butler, he further states, was in theology.

The feudal antipathies so long nourished and so early instilled as to be almost a part of her existence, were entirely, eradicated.

An edifice is not built with machines of war; neither can a free system be founded on ignorant prejudices and inveterate antipathies.

This case is generally typical of society, where persons who have aroused antipathy or are adherents of an unpopular minority incur guilt.

Antipathy to the infidel, the more exclusive sway of religious sentiment, were giving way to a mingling of secular aims and interests.

The chief hindrance to a better understanding with them is their rooted antipathy to ourselves, generated by our pushing, masterful ways.

The most vehement sympathies and antipathies were aroused, and showed at least what principles were congenial to the various English parties.

All your tastes, habits, associations forgive me, if I say your very, antipathies are alike; for you both are unforgiving enemies of vulgarity.

Sometimes they clash, and storm ensues, as when a strong antipathy between persons causes them almost to loathe each other's presence.

They have predilections or antipathies for those who court their society, on account of the material advantages they derive from them.

They have a mortal antipathy to these animals, as they sometimes kill defenseless men, and are very destructive to their flocks.

Without any emulation of virtue or talents, they discovered, almost from their infancy, a fixed and implacable antipathy for each other.

Slow to form antipathies, he was immovable in them once formed, and as constant in his confidences once he found them merited.

On our journey from the city, I discovered in Richard, to my great surprise, a deep-seated antipathy, almost an abhorrence of women.

No common memories or sentiments hold together the new generations of the two races; they are growing up in unmitigated mutual antipathy.

It is said that even the brute creation lay aside their animosities and antipathies when pressed by an instant and common danger.

Whether this persecution arose from natural antipathy between the combatants, or from jealousy of interference with their nests, is not known.

Nowhere are distinctions of provinces so strongly marked, in no country are so many antipathies to be found between inhabitants of different districts.

It, indeed, fully bears the stamp of those antipathies that, once conceived, the monarch was seldom or never known to waive.

Each regards with especial antipathy the vices from which it is most free, and to which its neighbors maybe most addicted.

Some people have an antipathy to this new form of river locomotion on account of the risks which accompany the presence of petrol.

The ancients evidently had a rooted antipathy to adopting any kind of contrivance calculated to afford protection for their horses' hoofs.

His animosity had been originally the natural antipathy which a man of narrow understanding instinctively feels for a man of genius.

It has been remarked, that an antipathy subsists between creatures, who, without being the same, have yet a strong external resemblance.

It is moderation which incites us to restrain our impatience, to silence our inexplicable antipathies and to put a break on our tempestuous enthusiasms.

This great and unusual act of authority in the council, gave the Roman pontiffs ever after a mortal antipathy to those assemblies.

It retained the same faith in the indomitable resources of the prisoner of the Tower, without much active sympathy, though without antipathy.

It is his not sympathizing with the enjoyments of others, that makes him feel such an antipathy to every difference of sentiment.

Now I am a college professor without antipathy to Samuel Butler, with, on the contrary, the warmest admiration for his sardonic genius.

No single text shows that the Druids had any antipathy to images, while the Gauls certainly had images of worshipful animals.

Sharp and irritating as the encounter had been between the two lovers, the momentary antipathy passed away as they moved along.

A genuine admiration for Germany's military prowess, exemplified in the successive victories of 1914, offset to a large extent traditional antipathy to Austria.

He avoided showing his antipathy, and was conscious of feeling galled that his partner, Robson, was behind the secret of it.

Probably all of us are afflicted with a natural antipathy to certain kinds of temperament, but at least we need not humor it.

Having once employed the soldiers as executioners of his own political antipathies, Dion proceeded to lend himself more and more to their exigencies.

This seems to us an expression of the more or less natural antipathy of a man who regards life trivially for a serious artist.

Antipathy or sympathy were quickly evoked in her, and it was not easy to make her swerve from an opinion she had once formed.

I suppose I am afflicted with one of those feminine follies which I have always despised, and have taken an antipathy to the boy.

His real object was to procure money; and with this view he sought to excite their alarm, and to inflame their religious antipathies.

Undercurrents of racial antipathy as well as distrust and prejudice, he believed, infected the organization from the outset and created an unhealthy beginning.

His antipathy was deeply grounded in his convictions, and he could not be dissuaded, nor frightened, nor driven from expressing it.

Antipathy and abhorrence load with more revolting colors the hideous visage, from which, but for that moral purpose, they would recoil.

He certainly had more than his share of antipathy toward all reptiles, for he never let an opportunity to kill one escape him.

To national antipathy towards foreigners must be added the intrigues and personal rivalry of the conquered in their relations with the conqueror.

The old antipathies were forgotten, and from the crowded hall to the echoing gallery stretched a living chain of eager, garrulous men.

All the while political and religious antipathies manifested themselves in violent forms; murders perpetrated in the close vicinity of our county town.

Men who affect your unhealthy mind with antipathy will prove themselves very frequently on mature acquaintance your best friends and wisest counselors.

He would see more, much more of this taciturn young woman, force her to talk and, if possible, undermine her antipathy to himself.

It was a clash of temperaments hopelessly at odds, in which the spoken word weighed little beside the mute antipathy jaundicing the mind.

From this merely instinctive revulsion the negative attitude may rise to that terrible form of destructive antipathy which is "hate," as popularly understood.

This was slender foundation on which to build a theory, but how else had the little lad awakened the vengeful antipathy of Wiley?

It has been demonstrated, that the principal motive of the young females departing when hives swarm, is their insuperable antipathy to each other.

The ingredients of antipathy, of jealousy, which they sometimes contain, may make him dangerous to his fellows as well as loathsome to himself.

At once his old antipathy towards Schiller rose up, an antipathy caused by much in Schiller's public utterances which he had found distasteful.

The fast-increasing antipathy between the Old Order and the New, like a fire, required only a puff of wind to set it ablaze.

Thus, while no man can be compelled to work with instruments he dislikes, no subordinate is at the mercy of personal caprice or antipathy.

I do not dislike the French from the vulgar antipathy between neighboring nations, but for their insolent and unfounded airs of superiority.

Soon, however, his strong antipathy to scenes of bloodshed and violence impelled him to rush, with headlong precipitation, from the fatal spot.

We can easily imagine the buzz of angry legend and comment; for national antipathies have no difficulty in obtaining substantial affidavits in their support.

Strong national antipathies and great differences of taste stubbornly adhered to may produce similar effects; for instance between the Chinese and Europeans.

To make themselves strong the priesthood had invented the human sacrifices, by which, doubtless, they could remove their special antipathies or heretics.

This antipathy asserts itself even in the case of the liveries or uniforms which some corporations prescribe as the distinctive dress of their employees.

The measure of unparalleled tyranny and injustice, in which antipathy to religious orders has found expression, is being favorably and unfavorably commented upon.

When it came to drinking from the same glass he used, she did so, in obedience to custom, with no sign of antipathy or scruple.

The mere prospect of freedom, dim though it was, had banished for a brief moment his mortal antipathy to the man beside him.

I have no doubt all owners of kennels have noticed the sudden antipathies taken by dogs sometimes to their own comrades and companions.

It is interesting to note that, according to what I have often heard from natives, the two species have a marked antipathy to each other.

My eagerness to know the particulars of this tale was mingled and abated by my antipathy to the scene which would be disclosed.

Equally unreasoning, if not unreasonable, is our attachment to customary doctrines or practices, and our invincible antipathy to those who do not observe them.

She had a peculiar antipathy to being regarded as a conventional philanthropist, one of the individuals with the instinct to patronize persons less fortunate.

Baldwin's feelings underwent a revulsion in favor of this plan, and his partiality for it became as great as had been his antipathy before.

Between the deliberate idler and the man of absorbing occupation there can be nothing in common; indeed, there often arises more or less antipathy.

His penetrating comment, born, it seemed, of that curious antipathy which she had noticed before, fell in astonishingly with trends of her own.

We had at that time a phenomenal antipathy to the Academy, and in sheer love of being outlawed signed our pictures with the well-known initials.

Guided by a perception as unerring as that of instinct, he never fails to select the proper objects of his antipathy or of his favor.

Such a charge is really tantamount to a confession that popular antipathy was more easily excited by the word than by the real doctrine.

The head censor being away at the time, she was shown into the presence of a man whose very appearance excited her strongest antipathy.

As the play proceeds he is made, as if with a second intention, more and more the antithesis, as he is the antipathy, of the prince.

As a result of his sensitiveness he has a strong tendency to make the mistake of regarding political differences of Page 63 opinion as personal antipathy.

It is pretty evident, that however plausible may be the scheme of a comprehensive administration, the personal predilections and antipathies will create enormous difficulties.