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Definition of antipathy:

  • (noun) a feeling of intense dislike
  • (noun) the object of a feeling of intense aversion; something to be avoided; "cats were his greatest antipathy"

Sentence Examples:

No more sharing of books and jokes and enthusiasms and violent antipathies, to which both were prone.

"Their very language makes me feel antipathy for them," was a remark I constantly heard him make.

A touch of resentment and antipathy was left behind which would make itself felt in future relations.

Every teacher should be keen to detect these antipathies, and cure them by gentle and persuasive means.

The gardeners of the sixteenth century had a firm belief in the sympathies and antipathies of plants.

And so instance after instance can be given of affinities and antipathies which lie beyond human reason.

The antipathy aroused by the principal character doomed it, and the career of the piece was short.

People read with surprise of Thomas Jefferson's antipathy to the poems and novels of Sir Walter Scott.

The leaders changed their talk then, but Pelham felt their hidden antipathy working against him.

In each country it has to face universal prejudice, distrust, and contempt, and often stronger antipathy still.

I visited, not because I had any antipathy against the governors of this institution, doctors or inspectors.

The antipathy gradually proceeded to such a length, as to induce the master to forge this vile accusation.

I'm ashamed to admit it, Cousin Kate, but I can never seem to overcome that antipathy to her.

Our baby must have no antipathies, but every good thing given by Nature shall at least be tolerated.

The subjects of that antipathy could not tell what it was which disturbed their nervous system.

What are national antipathies, individual attachments, but so many expressions of the moral principle in forming our opinions?

She had not, at this time, the antipathy for her future nephew's family which developed later.

You are certainly in the right to suppose that, if I wrote the word apathy, I meant antipathy.

And thus did I first become aware of the difference of races and their antipathy to each other.

It is useless to disguise that I dislike them, and that there exists between us a certain antipathy.

There is nothing to recall our national antipathies, and we are glad to part with such unpleasant guests.

The instinctive antipathy which had marked their first introduction was carried on to this later meeting.

Without knowing why, he felt more antipathy for the girl than was natural under the circumstances.

They were chosen by Adepts in the knowledge of the Laws of Correspondence and antipathy and affinity.

It was cemented rather by antipathy to the prevailing power than by any hope of regaining it.

These are the associations in which the most lasting affections and the most violent antipathies are formed.

He thought of him, at this time, with what he believed to be a feeling of purely personal antipathy.

Pricker, who, notwithstanding his antipathy to Frenchmen, still felt flattered by this impatience to make his acquaintance.

Such, however, is the elementary study of Physiognomy, and such the delusion which our antipathies often create.

His wife felt an invincible antipathy for the sea, and, of course, heard his determination with horror.

He was always setting you straight, putting you in the way of seeing good, reconciling you to your antipathies.

It cannot, therefore, be argued that any fear of pain is at the bottom of their antipathy for mice.

A sore trial to Dick, who it must be confessed, had been born with an innate antipathy to books.

The antipathy still continues, but the Dog will pass nearer to a shop than he formerly would.

I think the world has an antipathy to heroes; it certainly makes things very hard for them.

I have the most powerful antipathy to being compelled to become a performer as part of a public spectacle.

He had likes and dislikes; but so far as I understood him, no strong antipathies or ardent friendships.

If a natural antipathy existed between the two races no law would be necessary to keep them apart.

They often think they have this discernment, when it is nothing else but sympathy or antipathy of nature.

Moreover, he does not hide his antipathy to the people whose literary tastes and ideas differ from his.

It is only the ignorant antipathy of the majority which renders such law as you speak of possible.

Dick knew something of the ambitions of every nation in Europe, something of their temper and their antipathies.

I need hardly remark that such an antipathy is not a logical ground for rejecting a new method.

None had any tangible cause of dislike; but men have antipathies instinctive, deeply seated, not to be resisted.

One of the consequences of this antipathy for Kant, therefore, has been an incredible ignorance of his doctrines.

Only a man of a certain kind, with a certain sympathy and antipathy, could laugh as he laughs.

Blue felt that a certain romance was involved in acknowledging her parents' antipathy and her own regret.

The story is that he has a queer antipathy to something or to somebody, nobody knows what or whom.

He had an antipathy, also, to the exercise of physical force to procure the restitution of a people's rights.

It is true that I felt a mortal antipathy to him, but such feelings are hardly regarded as evidence.

It is a natural instinct with me, just as tame animals are born with an antipathy to wild beasts.

Between them and him there was the flow of invisible, mysterious currents, whether of sympathy or antipathy.

We took great pains to investigate this curious antipathy, but could never arrive at anything like a satisfactory conclusion.

That sympathy in pursuits of which you speak drew us together, and became very soon the cause of antipathy.

My mother, who felt an invincible antipathy to the sea, heard his determination with grief and horror.

It is from the shock of characters, and not from the struggle of opinions, that antipathies are generated.

By the same laws, are affinities and antipathies discovered and applied, in every department of Nature's wonderful laboratory.

They had a childish antipathy to every foreign language: and were equally prejudiced in favor of their own.

He had never liked Jasper; indefinite had been his antipathy hitherto, but it was taking definite form now.

He had the ill luck to be the center upon which the antipathies of Jacobin and anti-Jacobin converged.

She had no genuine antipathy toward Helen, whose engagement to Spencer would be her strongest weapon against Bower.

The spectacle of a bad action, instead of sympathy, excites an involuntary antipathy, a painful and sad sentiment.

They lacked, therefore, the bond of a common enthusiasm and the still stronger tie of a common antipathy.

From this you can conclude that if you are antipathetic to me, this antipathy proceeds fundamentally from myself.

Swayed involuntarily, all three of them felt the sympathy and antipathy of the hours, each mood in turn.

She is thinking of Lady Clive's story of the rich Americans, to whom she had conceived an antipathy.

One strange antipathy this animal was remarkable for, was his utter dislike to the sight of a woman.

There are faces that we love not, but which afford no apparent reason for the antipathy they produce.

I saw further that that madness took the shape of a murderous antipathy for me and the children.

"I should think it would be dreary for you," she added, with a woman's antipathy to the impersonal.

When you have excited the antipathy of your country you are too often led to take a dislike to your country.

Pratt had disgusted him at the start, but his antipathy was not all built on that foundation.

Everybody can mark these errors; a few cannot overcome their antipathy, and so lose a great deal of pleasure.

We confess, however, to a feeling of antipathy to fanciful shapes in plants, no matter what they may be.

From the first, however, a latent antipathy between the Northern and the Southern delegates made itself felt.

She felt that her antipathy towards him had come from her instinct that he was hiding something.

One has only to be introduced as critic to a young artist, and immediately one gains his deepest antipathy.

When it is known it comes into contact with the flame of desire and the cold bath of antipathy.

And he had in this case the advantage of resting on another antipathy, powerful and genuine in their minds.

His haughty and repulsive manners, raising against him personal antipathies everywhere, were cited as confirming the charge.

He knows how to call into vigorous action both the sympathies and antipathies of those who listen to him.

She, however, conceived such an antipathy against the priests, that she used expressions which offended the Superior.

All that is necessary for this attitude is the play of sympathies and antipathies generated from whatever source.

The war sprang from the inherent antipathy between two forms of political organization radically hostile to each other.

Yet in this particular again, the Boers' constitutional antipathy to the offensive robbed them of half their power.

He had an antipathy to them, not only in idea, but in what is more difficult to analyze, his instincts.

At any rate, they had, as a matter of fact, produced widespread discontent and bitter antipathies between classes.

In that triumphant hour the last remaining traces of past antipathies and past disagreements were altogether swept away.

The County Council must have no bias or antipathy for certain types of teachers, as is the case at present.

Leavenworth, whose violent antipathy to Englishmen as husbands is publicly known, had not just returned from a journey.

Near him an innocent girl, shrinking involuntarily from her neighbor, with the instinctive antipathy of virtue for vice.

And, with the natural antipathy between our races, these creatures could be trouble if they ever reached space.

Such people would be more attentive to odors, more moved by olfactory sympathies and antipathies, than are ordinary people.

No strong antipathy developed itself; there were no quarrels, but there was a complete absence of anything like confidence.

We know their joys and their sorrows, their passions and their follies, their tastes and their antipathies.

Most people remember that my mother took a curious antipathy to the other little chap when I was born.

It is said that men of both parties, forgetting all antipathies under the spell of his eloquence, wept together.

The international conflict seems doomed to continue so long as man remains separated by racial antipathies and commercial interests.

I had been much shut up in personal and family life; was a person rather of antipathies than sympathies.

I have nine dolls and a King Charles dog, named Beauty, and she has a great antipathy to music.