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Use debauchery in a sentence

Definition of debauchery:

  • (noun) a wild gathering involving excessive drinking and promiscuity

Sentence Examples:

Mary, whose early life was passed in a course of debauchery.

Treason and debauchery went hand in hand.

They would regard it as reckless and abandoned debauchery.

A coarse nature it plunges into the vilest debauchery and vice.

In advance was a slender young man, whose face was pale with debauchery.

It is full of corruption and debauchery, of oppressions, thefts, and deceits.

Scott's only grandson, too, is just dead of sheer debauchery.

There, she was told, it was damp; there were bugs, debauchery, anarchy.

He gave himself up to drinking and debauchery, and... here now... he has been murdered!

What can be expected, for instance, from a man who has passed a night in debauchery?

Then Angus for a time complicated his amateur debauchery with fast horses.

They were a wild, rude set of men, and they made the night hideous with their debauchery.

His heart ached, and his cheek burned at the recollection of his two days of debauchery.

From these debaucheries and gatherings sometimes resulted wars between them.

There were fifty women who lived lives of notorious debauchery.

The king gave himself up to his natural bent for pleasure and debauchery.

And debauchery had destroyed the human being and made another after its own image.

We must relax our minds a little; but this opens the door to the greatest debauchery.

When all tend to debauchery, none appears to do so.

Even in the few short hours of occupation debauchery had had its way.

As to temptations to debauchery, I felt none.

I think, even, he hated the inevitable partner in his debauchery.

The scene of debauchery was not yet past.

Try to destroy it by means of debaucheries.

Nothing is dear to Catiline but riot, and debauchery, and murder!

His countenance was hideous with age and debauchery.

"In one night's spiritual debauchery," said she.

And that is not the only debauchery to which he gives himself up.

Did I teach the one his vices, and the other his debauchery?

Gains a prize for poetry, dies from a fit of debauchery.

This has led to an alarming debauchery, which is on the increase.

They were engaged upon a mad pursuit of pleasure and debauchery and drink.

The whole town is echoing with his debaucheries.

The ages of ancient heroism were filled up with crime and debauchery.

He had worked up an artificial appetite for all that went under the head of debauchery.

Aren't there any other forms of debauchery?

Everything about this den denoted abject poverty and low debauchery.

He deals with the same old counters, love and death, debauchery and consequent corruption.

If he limited his son's allowance, he only drove him to do his debauchery on credit.

She said that she knew it to be the haunt of all kinds of debauchery.

His face was filled with lines, the accumulations of years of debauchery.

It was a long night of debauchery, and this that we now see is the sad morning afterwards!

Sheer imaginative debauchery!

They often mistake so totally, as to imagine that debauchery is pleasure.

It is therefore excess; mere debauchery, and it cannot fail to work mischief.

Are such men sent to the Capital only to practice debauchery?

His health was ruined by his debaucheries, and a surgical operation became necessary.

Was the work of Alexander the Great worthless because of his debaucheries?

No woman was insulted; there was no debauchery, no breaking open of houses.

He looked like a man given over to drink and debauchery.

All manner of debauchery that can be thought of is practiced here.

Much of their time was passed in hunting, drinking, and every kind of debauchery.

He seemed living over again midnight scenes of debauchery.

It was not introduced into the world by debauchery.

Mad with drink, and ready for any debauchery.

I don't know what's prevented my going away before, and leaving you to your debauchery!

Is it a thing heard of to shoot at portraits and commit open debauchery?

And they dragged girls into their rooms, and every day the same debauchery.

The maidens, he declares, were not reserved for debauchery, but for slavery!

Dissipation and debauchery make a man old prematurely.

Did she suppose he had spent the night in debauchery?

He drank hard, and abandoned himself to debauchery, with a total disregard of religion.

He had been much shocked with the return to debauchery and low company.

The Regent lost then an infinite amount of time in private, in amusements, and debauchery.

I saw her on the high road to debauchery, and it was my own doing!

"There is no then," answered the young man, "one debauchery is like another."

It is not debauchery that has brought about this terrible change.

He spent his whole time in vice and debauchery.

She thought her prayers answered when I grew up without debauchery.

Yet prejudice has dared to speak of his debauchery.

I was converted by six weeks' debauchery.

To call war the soil of courage and virtue is like calling debauchery the soil of love.

No standard of female honor restrained the license of wit and debauchery.

Always notorious for debauchery, he has now become infamous for his vices.

The open spectacle of the most hideous debauchery only provokes a laugh.

Both of these classes seem to have yielded the palm of debauchery to the clergy.

His idea seems to have been that words alone constituted the sin of debauchery.

If he were sunk in debauchery from the very day of our marriage?

Charles's gambling and debaucheries kept him in a perpetual state of poverty.

I began by debauchery; I finished in crime.

Simple, healthy, and rational amusements take place of drinking, gaming, and debauchery.

And they all seemed now to abandon themselves to riot and debauchery with additional zest.

Blood and debauchery was all that was required.

Did he find a strange enjoyment in the debauchery of others?

To this cruel injustice, they soon added the vices of debauchery.

He talked of the great noble's younger life, of his debauchery and hardness.

The young men think only of horrible debauchery.

And pray, except vice and debauchery, which of the pleasures of life are supplied by you?

The most frantic license and savage debauchery were practiced.

Investigations have proven the debauchery of the ballot.

The hour has come for the nightly sacrifice on the altars of debauchery.

Thus was Easter proclaimed, and riot and debauchery instantly broke loose.

Xavier knew nothing but vice, found pleasure only in debauchery.

In love all that was not vice and debauchery bored him.

The son of the King, worn out by debauchery, had conceived a violent passion for her.

Their monasteries are schools of debauchery or are filled with men of the lowest class.

Here is nothing but debauchery and drinking, cruelty and greed.

After cruelty and debauchery came madness.

I think myself no novice in the ways of debauchery.

No doubt the rest went in the course of the day in debauchery.