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Use deficit in a sentence

Definition of deficit:

  • (noun) the property of being an amount by which something is less than expected or required
  • (noun) a deficiency or failure in neurological or mental functioning

Sentence Examples:

They have a deficit to worry with every year, almost.

The annual deficit was alarming.

There was an alarming annual deficit, and the finances were utterly disordered.

They resulted in a large deficit.

The commercial deficit involved in the scheme should be borne by the State.

Sooner or later they must make up the deficit.

Indeed, the New Zealand Treasury may be said to have been cradled in deficits.

Naturally there are sometimes losses and a deficit in the treasury.

The deficit that their sale will produce may be lodged to the credit of Cyril and Vivian.

Then, of course, every few months, there were deficits which had to be made good.

Now they are sufficient for all public needs, and we have a surplus instead of a deficit.

"So far, it has looked more like facing a big deficit."

Let us deal at once with the question of the deficit.

The deficit, once a large surplus, came into being only two years ago.

All I know about is a deficit!

"How much is the deficit that you expect my subscription to meet?"

Sometimes I have had to make up the deficit out of my own pocket.

Despite these positive economic indicators, the current account deficit is widening.

For example, the deficit in the printing office last year was about seven hundred dollars.

He is expected to save in years of plenty in order to make good the deficit in lean years.

Expenditure did not fall, and there was a constant succession of budget deficits.

Fortunate, indeed, was this, for in a short time the bank failed with an enormous deficit.

That last big check of yours has left you a deficit.

Robert Owen planned it, built it, directed it and made good any financial deficit.

And eight years from now you'll still be in deficit spending on both counts.

The parchments were safe, the deficit made up.

He could get only indifferent help, so he worked early and late to make up the deficit.

Budget deficits have been slashed while foreign reserves in 1997 were at an all-time high.

The deficit is expected to increase in 1998 as imports continue to rise.

Here is another deficit of thirty millions.

You diminish the receipts, without lessening expenses, and you avoid a deficit?

The bank examiners found the deficit.

The deficit is worth a reference; it is for what they call a cool sum, Frank.

They see the great deficit in their revenues, and the hopes of economy lessen daily.

The deficit in the gate fund filled Gwen with surprise.

Let us exchange the two coins, and the deficit will be made up.

McComb and my brother, Charles, for a small sum to make up the deficit.

I will make good the deficit in my contribution.

So, I looked at our deficit and knew that something was wrong.

Durant met the yearly deficit of the college.

Only ten cents to stop the deficit in his stomach!

Deficits were found in his accounts.

The remaining deficit must be made up at luncheon, but that could be gone into later.

This reverses the deficit trend of recent years.

Here we are meeting with a deficit every year.

I think that with a deficit maybe he has been.

There is a deficit shown by the treasurer's report although less than that of a year ago.

Then we will have a surplus instead of a deficit.

For a number of years our treasurer has come up with a deficit each year.

The cause of our deficit is easy to put your finger on.

Which partly accounted for the deficit on the past year.

A deficit may be temporary; credit returns and funds are restored.

Deficit, on the contrary, is the normal state of intelligence.

You say it's better to have a surplus than a deficit.

Squire faced by deficit of million and half.

His lordship has found out what you were at, and that there is a deficit in your till.

This stroke would run a wide fluting of deficit right through the middle of it.

His hand went into his pocket to make up the deficit.

The government now must deal with a budget deficit and a negative trade balance.

Inflation and the trade deficit are expected to rise somewhat as a result.

I have laid my finger upon the spot where the social deficit exists.

The fear of bankruptcy was removed, deficits of income made up, and receipts abundant.

The government has made cutting the budget and trade deficits a high priority.

The campaign closed with no deficit on the books.

No one has ever been able to explain exactly how the deficit arises.

She will have to come back to sleep, I will measure the deficit.

Can the threatening deficit be averted?

They show a lower volume of trade and a smaller trade deficit.

The Dominion revenue showed a series of deficits for several years in succession.

He was instructed to track the cashier who had fled, having a deficit of several millions.

There will be a deficit in the accounts, just as the result of that.

The boys laughed, but Jonas, indifferent to that, continued his deficit list.

The deficit is a subsidy, but a concealed subsidy.

The deficit, however, if any, is made good from the Emperor's Privy Purse.

Of course there is a deficit to be made up.

"Did he find any deficit in your accounts?"

In the budget of 1842 Sir Robert Peel terminated the deficit by reviving the income tax.

In fact, we came out at the end of the year with a deficit.

An annual deficit was inevitable.

The majority show a deficit which annually becomes larger.

After all, the deficit was only forty pounds, and his father would lend him that much.

He found chronic deficit; he left a firmly established surplus.

The chief embarrassments have arisen, not from deficits, but from surpluses.

What is to be done with those who starve during the temporary deficit, it does not say.

This has been called the "pulse deficit" (Hart).

The annual deficit was eight hundred millions.

The deficits increased in geometrical progression.

He had served two terms as an elder, and had gone out of his office without a deficit.

"Marcia has sufficient to cover any deficit?"

I have had a deficit each year for three years now.

The result of this is to turn what would be a surplus of revenue into a large deficit.

This created a deficit, which they repaired by doubling the duty on inhabited houses.

The involuntary customers pay the deficit.

There was a big deficit, and she had no idea how she was to meet it.

I am tired of depression and deficit.

His predecessor, when making his Financial Statement in 1872, had anticipated a deficit.

There was no surplus or deficit.

Its annual deficit has never been overcome.

Non-military expenditure could not account for the final deficit in Justinian's treasury.

They had a deficit of about three millions to provide for, and they fell in consequence.