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Definition of deficit:

  • (noun) the property of being an amount by which something is less than expected or required
  • (noun) a deficiency or failure in neurological or mental functioning

Sentence Examples:

She wished them to be sumptuous, and when he alone could not pay the expenses, she made up the deficit liberally, which happened almost every time.

For the last three months he had been withdrawing small sums therefrom in the hope of being able to repay them, while he had covered the deficit with false money.

Channel surfing and similar behavior became equated with a very real but variously diagnosed childhood illness called Attention Deficit Disorder.

Most choral societies have to be supported by guarantors, or friends or members must reach down in their pockets and make up the deficits that occur with unpleasant regularity.

Any member in three months' arrears of dues was to be expelled unless upon his plea of illness or poverty a subscription could be raised in meeting to meet his deficit.

His clock registered six shillings and his passenger had only five-and-sixpence, so he offered to reverse his engine in order to wipe off the deficit.

It was accordingly decided to retain the eight-page size, to continue the paper as a weekly and to borrow the money necessary to meet the deficit, believing that the great body of readers of the Journal would approve and sustain this decision when it was brought to their knowledge.

Of course, when you stop a little leakage between the staves and dip out the sugar by the bucket from the top, your net gain is going to be a deficit for somebody.

Often, however, as gargantuan consumers, they play an important role in building up the deficits which finally wreck an economy.

Higher taxes and more ruinous levies in the newly conquered provinces could not fill the insatiable maw of deficit spending.

A Deficit, concerning which accounts vary, and the Controller's own account is not unquestioned; but which all accounts agree in representing as 'enormous.'

I really wish to be polite to H.E., but how can I say that I think he was justified in finessing his deficit and playing surpluses?

In 1989 the government pursued policies to encourage private investment, curb imports of luxury goods, promote exports, reduce the budget deficit, and, in general, reinvigorate economic growth.

Although these advance to outrageous prices from year to year, yet even so the necessary amount cannot be obtained, and there is a deficit both for your Majesty's service and for individuals, whether rich or poor; and, in short, for both Spaniards and natives.

The balance of 1858 showed a deficit of nearly half a million sterling, which does not prevent the government from promising a surplus in the estimates of 1859.

As to the sudden fall in the price of cotton, his only expedient for making good the loss was to grow sugar on a great scale, but this was done so unwisely as to increase the deficits.

He found that the Philadelphia Orchestra had a small but faithful group of guarantors who each year made good the deficit in addition to paying for its concert seats.

As such performances could not possibly pay, the audiences, besides putting down the price of admittance, had, as taxpayers, to make good the deficits.

Already by the end of that winter Trina had begun to make up the deficit of two hundred dollars that she had been forced to expend on the preparations for her marriage.

The steadily appreciating currency has also encouraged imports, contributing to a growing trade deficit, and depressed export growth.

I know very well that to conceal for years a considerable deficit is a costly operation, requiring purchases and sales, the handling and shifting of funds, all of which is ruinous in the extreme.

According to human reckoning, the conquerors cannot extract even approximate compensation for their losses from the defeated states, and their victory will terminate with a considerable deficit.

Pointing thoughtfully with his right forefinger at his left palm, Allen updated the military assets of each opposing nation, and correlated its potential capabilities to economic resources over the coming decades and centuries until Slingshot reduced the solar system's deficits.

The harsh austerity imposed by the increased deficits in metals, minerals and other industrial materials and their substitutes created one set of problems; human cloning augmented with genetic engineering and their societal and cultural effects, especially beyond the Asteroids, created others.

In considering the deficits of food supplies, the government means only to fulfill its obvious obligation to assure itself that neutrals are husbanding their own resources, and that our supplies will not become available, either directly or indirectly, to feed the enemy.

It represents a serious deficit, unfortunately, and your own usefulness, for the moment, becomes nil; but we shall have to look after you, I suppose, and hope for better things in the future.

Not only was the operating deficit piling up alarmingly, but there were persistent rumors of a competitor, another woman suffrage paper to be edited by Lucy Stone and Julia Ward Howe.

A deficit arising, he had been wrongfully accused of direct responsibility, and from prison he had come straight to the Poor Boy's settlement on special (most special) invitation.

During the various operations of washing, bleaching, etc., the goods lose in weight, and to make up this deficit a moderate amount of dressing or loading is employed.

She wanted them to be sumptuous, and when he alone could not pay the expenses, she made up the deficit liberally, which happened pretty well every time.

It was plain that he had come to a realizing sense of his danger, and was persecuting his mother to obtain the means of making good his deficit.

Our ambitions have so far outstripped our sources of revenue that we have come to look on an annual deficit as a normal and defensible thing.

In his own regiment his system had been so strict that no loss was discoverable, but in certain others the deficit was great.

The original number was from forty to fifty, the deficit having been killed off by our previous cannonading and by the explosion.

The steam thrown into the air is nearly all condensed into little drops which fall back, and this condensation and this fall represent simply the loss of something, an interruption, a deficit.

Our kettle proved second only to my rifle in importance, and if the fare lacked the savor of salt our appetites made up for the deficit.

Better, she thought, make some great change, cut off some larger item of the household living, and so cover the deficit at once, than spare a partridge here and a pound of meat there.

Such wild suggestions were put forth as the sending of an expeditionary force to the nearest star in order to capture some other Solar System and thus obtain more territory to make up the deficit.

Thus, if an artisan engaged to build a house for his overlord he would give a general estimate, but if the cost exceeded the sum he named, he expected his master to make up the deficit.

We act as if he was nothing but a government treasury deficit, and instead of giving joyously and gladly because we love him, we act as if we had to have laws made to force us to give.

When he left, the colony was upon its feet, lawlessness had been suppressed, the administration reformed, and the deficit turned into a substantial surplus.

Over the past decade, however, the country has suffered recurring economic problems of inflation, external debt, capital flight, and budget deficits.

Still, the economy continues to be hampered by high inflation, persistent trade deficits, and ongoing rocky relations with Russia, Belarus' largest trading partner and energy supplier.

The short-term outlook is for continued sluggish growth because of internal unrest, minimal foreign investment, and the large trade deficit.

However, economic progress was badly hurt by slumping oil prices in 1998, which worsened the Republic of the Congo's budget deficit.

If he chose to use it to meet the deficit on the school paper he could now take his own savings for the new typewriter he wanted so much.

To hold back the budget until the first month of the year ensuing, is to run the risk of seeing the deficit increase and the available resources disappear.

The results elsewhere prove that the deficit could be turned into a profit by the creation of a Terminal Market system, equipped and administered on twentieth century lines.

During the Granger period the farmer attempted to increase his narrow margin of profit or to turn a deficit into a profit by decreasing the cost of transportation and eliminating the middleman.

The profits of cultivating this unproductive land were so small that a deficit arose when it was necessary to meet the cost of maintaining for a few days the men employed on it.

Many girls have had no money to manage beyond the spending of a dress allowance, with an indulgent parent always ready to make up the deficit.

Of this I propose to make you trustee, and desire that you should draw so much of the yearly interest as you may determine to be for her best good, denying her no reasonable requests, and making your household reckoning clear of all possible deficit on her account.

For a long time he had been earning twenty-five shillings a week and spending forty, and my mother had been making good the deficit.

Not one could bear his share of the fine; not one but evinced a wonderful twinkle of hope that each of the others (in succession) was the very man who could step in to make good the deficit.

In such cases he balanced his books by paying the deficit from his own pocket, so that it may be truthfully said he not only won independence for his country, but paid for the privilege of doing so.

It was high time; for the annual deficit was greater than the entire revenue itself, and landed, and other property was, to an unheard-of extent, monopolized by the priests.

It runs railways and makes a heavy deficit: it builds ships and loses money on them: it operates the ships and loses more money: it piles up taxes to fill the vacuum and when it has killed employment, opens a bureau of unemployment and issues a report on the depression of industry.

Though her allowance had been princely she had kept on going over it ever since her marriage and her mother had kept on covering the deficit.

The first narrates the resolute stand which, at the outset of his administration, he found himself compelled to make against deficit.

Sir Richard's experience and knowledge were not therefore available at the moment when the Viceroy, in his first months of office, found a new abyss of deficit suddenly open under his feet.

In the second place, he determined to attack the permanent causes which had led to deficit, and to prevent their recurrence by a systematic readjustment of the finances.

Had the threatened deficit been preceded by a period of prosperity and financial accuracy, he would not have deemed so severe a policy needful.

The laborer's deficit, after paying his rent, being, as we have seen, one-tenth, he tries to increase his production by this amount.

The short-term outlook is for continued sluggish growth because of poor government planning, internal unrest, minimal foreign investment, and the large trade deficit.

In order to fill up the deficit, the burden was transferred, doubled or trebled, to those who remained longer honest, so that it soon became quite unbearable for them also.

Each provincial bill empowered the postmaster general to demand from the legislature the amount, which it was agreed that the province should be held responsible for, to make up the deficit.

Its affairs were found to be in a very favorable condition, and at a meeting of the stockholders, held to-day, the deficit in its assets was covered, and its capital made good by subscription.

The young, the innocent, the unborn, smart for us, are made bankrupt for us; from them is exacted the deficit which we have left behind.

I must at the same time inform you that, without speaking of the stolen three hundred and fifty thousand francs, I leave a deficit in cash.

Recent research has shown that in cold weather more urea and also more carbonic acid are given off; hence the means of supplying this deficit should be greater in cold weather than in warm.

"I don't suppose this will please you, the fact is there is a deficit of four thousand five hundred rupees in the private safe of which Colonel Stuart kept the key."

The Germans, without great commercial activity, cannot make the French deficit good, and we see the State sliding slowly but steadily downward like a loosened avalanche toward a precipice.

Their function is to forestall and remedy the usual exaggerations and deficits of activity, even of "moral" activity and to prevent a stereotyping of attention.

As our diagram presupposes simple reproduction, its condition are thus violated in two directions: surplus value is being hoarded, and the constant capital shows a deficit.

He employed the best newspaper talent he could secure, and the Bulletin at once became a dangerous rival for the Oregonian, which had to depend solely on its own resources for its support, while the weekly deficit in the Bulletin office was made good by a check from Ben.

Little over half an ounce of gold would outweigh five tons; a ring that cost no more than three guineas would balance a deficit of five hundred and fifty thousand pounds!

On the other hand, there might quite possibly be a very much smaller deficit on shorter hours than the uninitiated would expect.

Six hundred thousand dollars a year was the subsidy granted the Butterfield Company for running two mail coaches each way a week; yet the postal revenue for the first year was but twenty-seven thousand dollars, leaving a deficit of more than half a million!

Net revenue may also be increased, or a deficit changed to a surplus by deducting the expenditure for sites, buildings, and extensions from ordinary expenditure.

Nor was she in the least suspicious when he announced that the decorators had made such a liberal allowance that the deficit was but three hundred dollars.

Again no general sewers rate for local purposes having been made during the year, there is a deficit upon this account, of one hundred and fifty-five pounds nineteen shillings and one penny.

"Yes, but as I have other reforms in view, I should proceed prudently, in the first instance, to avoid any risk of a deficit."

Then there was an exportation of domestic products, and the filling up of this deficit by importation from abroad, mainly from the United States.

This also has increased, rapidly and enormously, more often than not exceeding the revenue, and leaving each year a more or less important deficit, which, accumulating from one year to another, has finally to be converted into a consolidated debt, whether foreign or domestic.

Nature has done nothing for him, and he feels that he must labor to supply the deficit by amiability and good conduct generally.

The enormous deficit dismayed thoughtful men, whilst frivolous nobles called airily for a declaration of national bankruptcy as a means of salvation they had themselves tried with success.

The West finances the gigantic trade and current account deficits of Macedonia, without which the economy and the currency would have long crashed even beyond their incredibly depressed levels.

Taxes fall as a result of a decrease in wages and the collapse of many businesses and either the budget is cruelly cut (austerity and scaling back of social services) or the budget deficit increases (because the government spends more than it collects in taxes).

Not infrequently the excess ranges from twenty-five to fifty per cent, and thus the way is paved for further appeals to the Legislature to meet the dishonest deficits.

Assented Maria, thinking of the limited income on which she had lived for years, and in which a deficit of five thousand francs would have been a serious matter.

As luck would have it the firm to which I belonged and of whose books I had the sole management, undertook a surprise audit on the very day of my departure, and discovered a most serious deficit in one item which the partners, in their ignorance, could not account for.

These virtuous and patriotic statesmen did all in their power to keep afloat the vessel of the state, and prevent at least the increase of the deficit, which now arose yearly on the public accounts.

It had resulted in a disastrous frontier war, in an immense financial deficit, and in the exasperation of the educated native community.

I expect the first year, that we shall have a deficit to make up, but if next spring we don't let all our pews, why I am mistaken in my man, that's all.

To have the unusual deficit, which was involved by the increase of the parson's salary, provided for by a special subscription was more than they could bear.

When the balance of a peasant farm is closed, year in, year out, with a deficit, it is only of secondary importance whether there be added to it a score of rubles or not, in taxes.

Although postal operations still show a deficit, it is a fact that its revenues have increased in a remarkable degree, and the deficit is certainly not due to the amounts paid to the railroads for hauling mail, as these payments are relatively far less now than formerly.

It is unwise to brag about the finances of the monarchy, since, in the end, it was the financial deficit that brought about the downfall of the system.

The utmost care should be taken not to reduce the revenues so that there will be any possibility of a deficit; but, after providing against any such contingency, means should be adopted which will bring the revenues more nearly within the limit of our actual needs.

In the interest of immediate economy and because of the prospect of a deficit, I have required a reduction in the estimates of the War Department for the coming fiscal year, which brings the total estimates down to an amount forty-five millions less than the corresponding estimates for last year.