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Definition of deficit:

  • (noun) the property of being an amount by which something is less than expected or required
  • (noun) a deficiency or failure in neurological or mental functioning

Sentence Examples:

Lack, want, need, deficiency, dearth, paucity, scarcity, deficit.

The half measures of the Liberal government displeased all parties, and the annual deficit had made it unpopular.

Accounts here became quite lamentable, the deficit reaching five thousand dollars.

Roman economy was honey-combed with problems created by deficit spending, currency devaluation and exploitation.

If the receipts from these sources were not sufficient to meet the Imperial requirements, the deficit had to be made up by contributions paid (in proportion to their population) by the separate States.

Every year there was a deficit which, the King had to liquidate by payments from the royal exchequer.

For withal, as Mirabeau was heard saying, "it is the Deficit that saves us."

The officials of the treasury furnish a statement of their accounts, which shows a yearly deficit in current expenses; and extraordinary expenses besides, which nearly equal the total revenue for the year.

His original occupation of Langham, which realized him a steady annual deficit, was followed by a return to London, a visit to Brighton and, in 1835, a journey on the Continent to Brussels and Lausanne.

There will be a big deficit, which your father will pay for you and deduct from your share of the division at his death.

Thus far in the history of our mission, the account of no year has closed with the blot of a deficit upon it.

A large trade deficit is annually made up for by remittances from emigrants and from foreign aid.

Were it otherwise, the excess of private observers from this country would counterbalance our deficit in judges.

With that deficit, they sometimes sit obstinately and defy the boy's approaches.

Nothing, however, helped him so much to get his Budget through without a serious conflict as the decision of the Government to seek in an increase of the import duties over two-thirds of the new revenue to be raised to meet the deficit.

Her first task, therefore, must be to effect a readjustment of consumption and production to cover this deficit.

It is quite apparent that the claim is not valid, and the fact that it is made long after the discovery of his deficit leads to the suspicion that it is insisted on merely for the purpose of paying his debt.

While meaningful economic figures are difficult to come by, the high rate of inflation, chronic large government deficits, and plunging mineral production have made it one of the world's poorest countries.

The center-left coalition government will concentrate on reducing the persistently high unemployment rate and the budget deficit as well as following the previous government's policies of maintaining low inflation and a current account surplus.

At noon Daddy John in broaching the cask discovered the deficit in the water supply.

Until this moment of his life he had lived miserably, covering his deficits with an audacity equal to that of Danton.

By referring to the directions in a previous chapter, the quantity of food needed for his size and age may be determined; while the deficit is made up from a bottle of milk containing properly modified cow's milk.

Rob had not renewed the policy because its renewal would have meant adding several hundreds to his already serious deficit, and, as he put it, it seemed to him that everything that could happen to that job had already happened.

Efforts are now being made to remove this deficit in the near future through the increase in the contributions annually received and gifts from other friends who will be asked to make sacrifices for the cause.

The odd numbered sections, outside of the six-mile limits, and within the fifteen-mile limits, are set apart to this company, out of which to select lands to make up any deficit that may occur in the six miles.

And I found that we were two human numerals added together for a lifetime which made a deficit.

Devine, writing in Charities and the Commons, admits that the charitable societies cannot hope to make up the deficit, to add to the wages of the workers enough to raise their standards of living to the point of efficiency.

Parker's income from rents, after being forced to sacrifice a very handsome piece of property to make up the deficit that was called for in winding up his grocery business, did not give him sufficient to meet his current family expenses.

It is not likely that this gift will be repeated, and it will be a great misfortune if the means for publishing the annual report are not found, as well as for taking up the present deficit of over a hundred dollars.

Tourism continues as a major industry, providing a vital offset to the sizable commodity trade deficit.

The capital showed a deficit of thirty-three thousand francs.

Hence, the prices must be proportionally higher to meet the deficit arising from the smaller quantity.

And so things went on in a dismal circle, until they culminated, after repeated deficits, in a disastrous rebellion.

Major concerns continue to be the sizable trade deficit and foreign debt.

A sizeable current account deficit and high unemployment rate remain the two most serious economic problems.

The government continues to grapple with its large deficit and massive internal debt.

To restore fiscal balance, the government agreed to curb inflation, reduce the fiscal deficit, increase domestic savings, and improve public sector efficiency while increasing the role of the private sector.

The new center-left coalition government will concentrate on reducing the persistently high unemployment rate and the budget deficit as well as following the previous government's policies of maintaining low inflation and a current account surplus.

A further economic problem is the sizable trade deficit.

The thirteen thousand dollar deficit from the last year adds to our solicitude.

A sizeable current account deficit and high unemployment rate remain the two most serious macroeconomic problems.

Yet her budgetary estimates showed an ugly deficit.

Webster was vigorous, hard-working, and capable; but the end of each month showed a deficit, until Clemens was from forty to fifty thousand dollars out of pocket in his effort to save the race with chalk and brass.

One cardinal principle of the greatest English finance ministers has been the avoidance of deficits or undue surpluses.

If the public discontinues gratuities to my employees, I must raise the price of food to cover this deficit.

This resulted in certain areas becoming surplus and others deficit regions; and the surplus regions were then compelled to supply a certain proportion of their abundance to their less fortunate neighbors.

They were advancing us the bucks to keep up that spending spree known as the national deficit.

To them the Government turns when funds are needed for internal improvements or when the exchequer faces a deficit.

In spite of the levy of additional taxation, seven out of the last nine years have been years of deficit.

He was surprised to find that every symphony orchestra had a yearly deficit.

Frequently recurring deficits are, in themselves, a condemnation of the methods under which they are found.

There was a deficit of forty pounds four shillings and sixpence.

Stoddard moved that a tax of two or more dollars be levied upon each member to pay up deficits.

They were not averse to expending large sums annually to make up the deficit occasioned by the possession of them.

Meantime the Convener sits on the chest, and the rest of the Committee seem to feel that their chief duty lies in cutting down expenses and that the highest possible achievement is their meeting the Assembly without a deficit.

The deficits he had to defray were always heavy; the last of them, as I understand, a thousand pounds.

The center-left coalition government is concentrating on reducing the unemployment rate and the budget deficit as well as following the previous government's policies of maintaining low inflation and a current account surplus.

The Passion Play does not enrich individuals, for the few hundred marks, more or less, which each of the six hundred actors receives, do not cover the deficit of all the work which the people must neglect.

As there was really no surplus, but a deficit instead, it was proposed to repeal the deposit law so far as it affected their fourth payment; and treasury notes were to be issued to provide for immediate and pressing needs.

A foreign loan of five millions sterling made in 1875 was not enough to meet the mounting deficits.

Yet, coincident with a sad deficit of women to fill these, prostitution has waxed rampant.

The deficit in the university chest was made up at five shillings a head.

The Colonel, who had been compelled for some years to keep a sufficient sum on current account at his bankers to make up their deficits, found that the provision was unnecessary: the young people were prospering.

In 1881 Spencer published the eighth part of his Descriptive Sociology and put a full stop to the undertaking which left him with a deficit of between three and four thousand pounds, and which had half-killed two secretaries.

The picture appeared in 1787, when the deficit in the revenue, after having widened for many years, had become most alarming, and it was at length proposed to tax the nobility, clergy, and magistrates, hitherto exempt from vulgar taxation.

In 1864 the Treasurer, finding he would otherwise have a relatively heavy deficit, balanced his budget by transferring from Loan Fund to Revenue the total expenditure incurred upon immigration since the foundation of the colony.

The deficit is characteristic of nunneries.

Madeleine declares that such a sight is worth the expense of the journey, and Frances would have agreed with her if she had not recollected, with some little alarm, the deficit which such an expense must make in their budget.

The members of 'White's' (mostly noblemen) called a meeting, and (not knowing the amount of the deficit) subscribed in one morning twenty-five thousand pounds, and wrote to the poet that they would cover the sum, whatever it might be.

To grapple with this deficit, James Wilson was sent out from the treasury as financial member of council.

During the first half of that period there was seldom a year when the expenditures did not exceed the appropriations, and when the Comptroller was not obliged to report a deficit at the end of the year.

As our total estimated revenue, inclusive of new taxes, is one billion, five hundred twenty-five million dollars, the deficit for the year will be six billion, four hundred twenty-five million dollars.

As most of these credits were spread over a series of years, succeeding administrations found their financial liberty of action destroyed, and were obliged to cover deficit by constant issues of consolidated stock.

Every other European commercial country had a deficit that year as compared with its Estimates of the year preceding.

Treat the deficit as an outlay of capital.

The imposition (and the word is appropriate either in its plain or its metaphorical meaning) of the property and income tax, which gave Sir Robert Peel the power of making his commercial experiments, proved inadequate to replace the deficit.

May he withhold from the landowner a sufficient portion of the rent to cover the deficit in wages?

Such theories then explain how nursing acts to right the wrong, meet the need, or eliminate or ameliorate the deficit.

The deficit amounted to a little less than eighteen shillings.

This would have led to a visual field deficit, which would have interfered in a major way with his ability to read, not the interpretation of reading matter per se, but the acquisition of information from the printed page.

You are to diminish the revenue without reducing the expenditure, and withal avoid a deficit!

The executors were due again to-morrow; and his deficit had passed four thousand dollars.

The deficit will be a bottomless pit.

In case of a disappointment, there is not then so large a deficit to struggle with; or, if the hopes come true, the surplus can very easily be put into a needed garment or a needed pleasure, or perhaps into the savings bank.

If there is a bad harvest the deficit must somehow be made up; and as Argentina has not as yet saved enough capital to allow her to live on her own reserve funds, it is at such times that a loan becomes necessary.

The long haul for cars and supplies renders supervision more difficult and deficits correspondingly greater.

This deficit might cause conversation to languish.

Various deficits in these showed a serious diminution in the income of the convent.

Five years from the day Layton commenced business anew, he made his last dividend upon the deficit that stood against him at the time his creditors generously released him and set him once more upon his feet.

It was in vain that she added and subtracted, and counted piece by piece her remaining money, the deficit never varied.

Disciples shared in this, too, and paid their part of the staggering deficit.

The deficit in the exchequer was owing in the main to his insatiable passion for building.

The deficit, or the balance, by which the expenses of government exceeded the revenue of the country, by no means indicated a desperate state of finance, or one which must either demand immense sacrifices, or otherwise lead to national bankruptcy.

The accounts of the diocese show a deficit.

He said he would certainly draw up a financial statement showing all the deficit, and that he intended to make it his rule to be quite straightforward in all his dealings, on the principle that honesty was the best policy.

Deficit of farming in the district (rubles).

Though the proportion of the total revenue going to the railroads has fallen one-third in ten years, the deficit still remains, and is it reasonable to suppose that any reduction in railway mail pay would not be speedily absorbed in other directions?

These deficits arise in the main from the heavy decrease in tax receipts due to the depression and to the increase in expenditure on construction in aid to unemployment, aids to agriculture, and upon services to veterans.

Such increase should not cover the whole of these deficits, or it will retard recovery.

Hasty and ill-considered action of any kind could seriously upset the subtle equation that encompasses debts, obligations, expenditures, defense demands, deficits, taxes, and the general economic health of the Nation.