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Use degrade in a sentence

Definition of degrade:

  • (verb) To lower in value or social position | To reduce in quality or purity

Sentence Examples:

In consequence of having become so cheap the grand title of "knight" was degraded.

He had heard Catherine say it would degrade her to marry him, and he had heard no further.

There was no service she would deem degrading for his sake.

I feel like a cheap detective, or somebody equally low and degraded.

I am ashamed of myself; no, never will I degrade myself by making a trade of a profession.

He is subjected by law to many degrading discriminations.

There was a last shameful and degrading scene.

I had to learn the degrading reason from others!

There was, of course, some secret behind this apparently degrading action.

"I will not be degraded in the eyes of the public," he said; "I will take the old lion."

In brief, Bull was cursed with a degraded and corrupting mind.

Will he degrade him from his high position?

I call it an abuse, for such action degrades the Bible to the level of a heathen oracle.

It's a degrading thing for a man to hide for a day and a night in a cupboard.

I have never degraded myself by taking part in trade of any kind, or by manual labor.

It should mean sheltering the children from contact with degrading influences.

Can it be wondered, that the Indians become more and more degraded?

Nothing made a happy slave but a degraded man.

A degraded woman is the saddest spectacle on earth.

They are victims of the System that has kept them degraded and ignorant.

They degrade the mind in its own esteem, and force it to recover its level by revenge.

I was ready to give my life once and for all, but I could not degrade it in detail.

I submit, because useless resistance is degrading, but I demand an explanation.

If you don't, you'll be laying up a wretched, perhaps a degraded future for yourself.

Our punishments are of such a character that they do not degrade.

He who can betray the secrets of the heart degrades himself.

They all combine to degrade his character, and ruin his health, and fortune.

The attachment was much more that of a man for his wife and had nothing degrading in it.

I once allowed a woman to exhaust me sexually orally, but felt degraded thereby.

What then degrades this natural and moral sensibility?

On the whole, it was rather a degrading spectacle.

Labor of every sort has been regarded as degrading.

No one was too degraded, too repulsive to be neglected.

If I could, it would only be by refusing to degrade myself further in connection with it.

It is the sign of a corrupt age and degraded manners when this respect ceases to be paid.

I have no position to lose, and no name to degrade.

The home of your fathers is humble and degraded, and you are elevated and refined.

I have no business to degrade it to my uses.

When it was not morally bad, it was degraded and superstitious.

Under Solomon and his successors, this religion became corrupted and degraded.

Away with all worn-out garments of a degraded Past!

Such men as these degrade thought and see only the animal.

The use of tobacco is a vice, and to the extent of that one vice, it degrades a mail.

That name has so often been degraded that it will not convey the idea of all that he was.

They had degraded manhood by assuming female habits

I have degraded myself by ever thinking of him as my husband.

It is impossible to place anything called royalty in a more degrading point of view.

It was regarded as too dangerous, and even as degrading.

For my part, I think that men who thus degrade themselves deserve all that they get.

My mother shall never degrade herself by a connection with you.

The one way is the positive way, when a man who suffers trouble is degraded by it.

Every bit of bread given to a beggar degrades human nature and rots society to the core.

Contact with men degraded him to their level.

And he that refuses to work out that high destiny is a degraded man.

He is not degraded by it, you rather think.

Among others, it has been degraded into superstition by the same cause.

Though I have struggled so hard, yet see how degraded I am.

You say you love a woman, you treat her like a duchess, and then you want to degrade her?

He is the father of my child, and he is degrading himself.

You cannot degrade a literature; it makes its own level and our labels do not affect it.

I do not; I am not yet quite so degraded as that implies.

It became degrading to me either to take them from the rich or to give them to the poor.

It saw that the first act of the people was to degrade superior authority.

They looked upon him as their sovereign, although degraded.

He went on from step to step in vice, till he became a degraded wretch.

It degrades the art and spoils the public.

In feeding on other living creatures man degrades, corrupts, and then destroys himself.

Observe to what a degree the lack of education will weaken and degrade a people.

That they ultimately became degraded from their high estate, and corrupted, we know.

Martin's path he represents a degraded class of humanity.

How can I have any desire to degrade you since I must degrade myself at the same time?

It was not true, but I was degraded, and ... and I set out to destroy him.

Something about this hurt like degrading a sacred thing, but he didn't mean to.

Would it degrade me as much as to break my faith with the helpless?

For it is not the calling that degrades the man, but the man that degrades the calling.

His mind was degraded, yet keen in plotting mischief and violence.

All the degraded scoundrels in the city have left the mud from their boots on my carpets.

The boy is too frank and manly, too much of a gentleman to degrade himself in such a way.

Anything rather than degrade himself to that point.

They degrade the mind in its own esteem, and force it to recover its level by revenge.

The priests guilty of this sin were degraded from their orders.

Government ought to do nothing except by harsh and degrading means.

It's strange, but no matter how degraded they are they try to shield and protect me.

I am degraded, for man was my foe, Long, long ago, long, long ago!

I have degraded myself without doing Julian any good.

Her home life was of the most degrading nature.

She could not bear to think of her lofty, spiritual sister degraded in the body like this.

Three years later she was degraded from her high estate, and deprived of her Court.

"You will not let them degrade me before mother?"

And the enclosure, of course, was some significant and degrading illustration.

I felt sorry and ashamed and degraded whenever I knew that I had been cross or selfish.

It is degraded first in the eyes of those who manipulate it as a base instrument.

It is degrading to our rank as men in the scale of being.

She felt degraded even by that act of her husband from which she was helplessly suffering.

I have been degraded and disgraced, and I can't possibly stand it any longer.

Else the Eucharist would be degraded to the level of some heathen, magical charm.

The Greeks and Romans regarded all labor for gain as degrading.

By this he felt degraded and discouraged to the last degree.

I forget everything, except the misery of my own degraded position!

The priests have, however, now begun to feel their degraded position.