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Definition of degrade:

  • (verb) To lower in value or social position | To reduce in quality or purity

Sentence Examples:

Degraded and helpless he stood, and a single stroke deprived him of his crown, and throne, and life.

It will be contended, that the slaves in our West Indian colonies have been constantly in an abject and degraded state.

They are thus thrown upon the alternative of supposing that he has had "the luck" denied to them, or that the public taste is degraded and prefers trash.

He dreads those habits of secrecy and falsehood, the weapons of the weak, to which savage and degraded woman always has recourse.

The great warrior was also a great statesman, and never made himself ridiculous, never degraded his position and powers, and could admire and detect a man of genius, even when hidden from the world.

Believe me, follow your tastes, for the court lady you mentioned; she may weary you at times, it is true, but at least she will not degrade you.

It is as degrading to the noble family of dogs as a footman in gold buttons and gold braid is to the human family.

In the lower classes of goods a considerable fall of price has occurred during the fast few years, and perhaps the most degraded conditions of male labor are to be found in the boot trade.

How can all the fine powers of the immortal soul ever develop along with such degraded instruments of knowledge?

She was not rich in this world's goods, but she was affluent in tenderness, sympathy, and love, and out of the fullness of her heart, she was a real minister of mercy among the poor and degraded.

On the following day he was deprived of his office, and degraded to the rank of subordinate to a new steward. 5th January.

"I am afraid this would be considered a degrading and dangerous view of human beliefs and responsibility for them," the Reverend Doctor replied.

The finest genius is degraded to the rank of a compiler, unless he sheds new light upon his subject by contributing new facts.

And if one class in a town, or parish, or county, be degraded, or in want, the whole town, or parish, or county, must be the worse for it.

It is remarkable and degrading to observe the utmost human ingenuity and industry employed, in order to procure a dish of potatoes fried in grease once in the week.

If one of them should have himself marked without having previously distinguished himself in battle, he would be degraded and looked upon as a coward, unworthy of such an honor.

The writer, however, has fallen into a very common error in giving us to understand that this was a degraded form of worship; from numerous other sources it is readily shown that such is not the case.

There are now, as there were in Darwin's day, many who feel that man is degraded from his high estate by the conception that he is not a reasoning, willing being, the result of a special creation.

Even though he was angry and suspicious he realized that the bearing of his wife was not guilty or degraded.

This done, we called on one of the tribe who was engaged in the coasting business, and had done much to teach the Indians, and to bring them to a right knowledge of their degraded condition.

They did not want to be brought in competition with slave labor in the mines, and have their occupation degraded in that way.

The more she has forgotten the high position in which she was placed, the more degrading is her fall.

Whoever conforms to the requirements of fashion, at the expense of culture, is false to her high nature, and degrades herself in the estimation of every true man.

It is a phenomenon impossible to ignore, and yet, so shameful is it, so degrading, so shocking, so miserable, that I hesitate to mention it.

Already it had been degraded from the parlor to the bedroom, and now it was to be pushed away like a shame into obscurity.

This race, which, in our country, has never been reduced to slavery, is in that degraded condition throughout California, and does the only labor performed in the country.

Of course, it was an understood thing that the officers thus degraded would desert at the first opportunity, and thus the Government would be rid of them.

I could have borne my share of the burden had I not seen her fainting under hers, shamed, degraded.

It is only because a constant effort is made to degrade the practical position of woman below even this standard of comparison, that it becomes her duty to claim for herself at least as much as this.

It is more the manner, therefore, in which this superstition has been degraded, than its intrinsic absurdity, that has brought it into contempt.

Our social remedies often work mischief; for we degrade those whom we would elevate, and in our charity forget justice.

Every Englishman should show that he respects and honors the glorious language of his country, and will not willingly degrade it with his own pen or tongue.

The ugly vision of his degraded father had brought back upon him, through a thousand channels of association, the recollection of his mother.

It is because the working man has failed to do this, and because others have failed to help him as they ought, that the lot of labor has hitherto been associated with what is mean and degrading.

The thought, in any man's mind, that she could be so base, in consideration of a guilty affection for him, as to betray the confidence of an innocent child on his behalf, disgraced and degraded her.

If they do not desire the right to vote, it is an evidence of the depth to which they have been degraded by its deprivation.

She was a poor, faded creature, and the tragedy of it all was that she was in love with this degraded bully.

She would never, her pride alone would never let her, degrade herself to a position at the very thought of which she caught her breath with horror.

At the last moment the iron chain of circumstances made itself felt, binding her without mercy to the hateful, the degrading deceit.

Unless she falls into my plans, and works for my interest, she shall be exposed and degraded from her present position.

Schools, churches, industrial instruction, mental and spiritual training, help for the poor and the ignorant and the degraded is sorely needed.

She not only excelled in the management of the children, but had also the talent of being attentive and obliging to the parents, without degrading herself.

I knelt down to examine it, eager to clear my mind, if I could, of the degrading jealousy that had got possession of me.

We knew later that he had degraded the poor child still further by obliging her to earn money for his drugs by that last method resorted to by a degenerate man to whom a woman's devotion still clings.

My sentiments were those of a man of honor, who felt that he had degraded his art, and who could not be quite sure that he might not have armed the hand of an assassin as well.

I wrote them with a view to your setting them, and as a present to Power, if he would accept the words, and you did not think yourself degraded, for once in a way, by marrying them to music.

Wealth procured by commerce, far from degrading a nation more than wealth procured by conquest, does not degrade it near so much; and the reason is easily understood.

It is almost as difficult to conceive the degree to which the character of the people was degraded, as it is to give credit to the wealth and luxury of the great, in the latter days of the empire.

By so much nearer as woman is to the angels, must be measured her descent into ruin when she is degraded.

And therefore, for a man to be degraded, it is not necessary that he should have given himself up to low and mean practices.

He felt that such a meeting was impossible; and he started from the degrading posture he had assumed, and stood before the old man with a brow as stern and a glance as fierce as his own.

This constant compounding of punishment has degraded the popular views of the value of human life, so that formerly the murder of a woman was never punished.

It not only is unfair to those with whom you are dealing, but it is degrading as regards your own actions.

One senses the tragedy that affects well-known scholars, writers and poets, who must degrade themselves, their work, their past and their families in order to survive.

Water by its common operation, as poured down from the atmosphere in rain and torrents, tends to level and degrade the surface, and carries the material of the land into the bosom of the ocean.

I do not wish to suggest that the men of whom I have spoken were really degraded or bad characters.

Destitute of this essential support, it must resign its independence, and sink into the degraded condition of a province.

We love those immortal creatures fallen and degraded; a sacred desire possesses us to restore them to their true destination.

I needed only to say I was that son; that unhappy mother, so miserably degraded and outraged, was mine.

As Charlie learned afterwards, the colonel was degraded from his rank by the angry czar, and ordered to serve as a private in the regiment he commanded.

If that with which you keep company, that you admire, is below you, it degrades; if it is above you, it lifts.

Its enemies see it as a danger to their comfortable position of eminence and claim bitterly that the honored degree of doctor is being degraded.

The master race, forming what might be termed a landed aristocracy, looked upon manual labor as degrading; while it of necessity became the natural sphere of the weaker.

When he reached his own door, he darted in and closed it behind, as if to shut out the whole world through which he had passed with that burden of contempt upon his degraded shoulders.

An inquiry was held concerning her case, but no verdict was rendered because it did not suit Elizabeth to degrade her sister sovereign more than was necessary.

She had to be repeatedly laid upon the ground, while he rode far and near to find four men willing to perform the degrading service of carrying a woman.

The very agency by which he is evolved is of itself subversive of all these higher properties; the struggle for existence is essentially selfish, and, therefore, degrading.

Gentlemen, she is no longer worth anything; faded, fallen, degraded, and disgraced, she is worth less than nothing!

He must turn away from ideas which degrade the human soul, so that day by day and hour by hour he may advance upward and higher to spiritual perception of the continuity of the human reality.

He must turn away from ideas which degrade the human soul so that day by day and hour by hour he may advance upward and higher to spiritual perception of the continuity of the human reality.

If it acquires virtues, it is the most noble of the existing beings; and if it acquires vices, it becomes the most degraded existence.

The king had a house built for him like that of the white men, others followed, and thus a very important step was made out of the degraded customs encouraged by the old oval huts.

With the soul of a Heloise and the passions of a Saint Theresa, you slip the leash on all your impulses, so long as they are sanctioned by law; in a word, you degrade the marriage rite.

That horrid hungering for revenge, which I felt for the first time when I knew how Helena had wronged me, began to degrade and tempt me again.

I think that was pretty plain; and I have been surprised ever since that I ever could have placed myself in such a degrading position as to say so much.

Now if there be anything certain about the action of alcohol upon the brain, it is that it degrades the quality of the self.

Hitherto, the Kurds have been in a very degraded state of ignorance; disorder is supreme in their territory, and the cities are in ruins.

I know, by my own experience, that of all actions, confession is the most degrading of a person's life.

I am opposed to anything that degrades a criminal or leaves upon him an unnecessary stain, or puts upon him any stain that he did not put upon himself.

To live, to know of that degraded thing, for whose existence he was responsible, being there at the convict station amongst the other human animals, and becoming lower and more degraded every day.

He wondered if Uncle Richard ever went among them, and whether he really knew what a degraded people they had got to be.

To feel that one is shining in borrowed plumes and eating the bread of dependence, is degrading to a noble mind.

Though naturally fond of company, I hated dissipation, and those low vices which many young men designate as pleasure, in the pursuit of which they too often degrade their mental and physical powers.

And it has been still further docked and degraded, both in its syllables and in its substance, into penance.

In the set of his lips was menace to the next employer who dared to insult and degrade him.

The line of defense now taken by the Utilitarians evidently degrades Mr Mill's theory of government from the rank which, till within the last few months, was claimed for it by the whole sect.

A pleasure-loving character will have pleasure of some sort; but, if you give him the choice, he may prefer pleasures which do not degrade him to those which do.

Too much attention to food, too much attention to the care of the body and exercise will degrade even character.

Here they are too often degraded to the basest household uses, and made no more account of than the dust which gathers on them; but that very neglect of them makes them the more kindred to us.

It is also true, that degrading conditions were sometimes assigned to white men, but never as members of a caste.

Indeed, if we are to believe Plutarch, Plato carried this feeling so far that he considered geometry as degraded by being applied to any purpose of vulgar utility.

How can you look an innocent girl in the face when you are degrading your manhood with the vilest practice?

It is now long ago that I learned this lesson from General Armstrong, and resolved that I would permit no man, no matter what his color might be, to narrow and degrade my soul by making me hate him.

They had never learned how to do any kind of work, and had been brought up to think that a gentleman could not work without degrading himself and losing his right to be called a gentleman.

They who desire me to be dumb on the subject of Slavery, unless I will open my mouth in its defense, ask me to give the lie to my professions, to degrade my manhood, and to stain my soul.

Then have we not in the very centers of civilization the poor and degraded, which are most faithfully attended lay these revolting satellites!

He would eat scarcely anything, and when done with that he would draw his chair away and pretend to be imposed upon in the most degrading manner possible.

A great part of them, field hands on the great cotton and sugar plantations, were rude and degraded, trained to live solely under close and constant control.

If I had been guilty of the act of which I have been accused, I could never have lifted my head again, and I feel degraded by the very suspicion.

To say that this is a degraded class, is only to recognize their supreme misfortune, and not to reproach or insult them on account of their unhappy condition.