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Use degrade in a sentence

Definition of degrade:

  • (verb) To lower in value or social position | To reduce in quality or purity

Sentence Examples:

If Mrs Clay were a very beautiful woman, I grant you, it might be wrong to have her so much with me; not that anything in the world, I am sure, would induce my father to make a degrading match, but he might be rendered unhappy.

In "Don Quixote" there is not a sentence which does not exalt woman, or which degrades man.

He had often boasted that he had never been degraded at the gangway.

It was only the Lutheran Reformation that degraded it from this position.

We are the successful failures of the age, the scourges of a degraded civilization.

Crowned heads, he thought, were at present led by some fatal infatuation to degrade themselves and injure mankind.

The speaker did not forget the duty of all men to uplift those unfortunates who had already been degraded.

While laboring with all his heart and soul to regulate these degraded people, and while willing to make their troubles and afflictions his own, he still desired a seclusion where his domestic cares and enjoyments were safe from constant interruption.

If she had to continue intimate living with them, she felt that she would be utterly defiled, degraded to their level.

That which can only do what it has always done, pollute and degrade, must not be employed to purify and elevate.

He had said he could not conscientiously degrade his art for a price.

Ambrosia, depend upon it, would prove unpalatable, at first, to organs degraded by coarse mortal food.

It degraded the solemnity of the pageant to the level of a military parade.

The Lady Om was degraded of all rank and divested of all possessions.

If it degrades, it also sweetens; and only that is love which makes life richer and more worthy.

It was hard, soul-breaking work, ignoble and degrading, but he drew two crumbs of comfort from the bread of affliction.

Even the most degraded woman can walk our streets unmolested, her sex and her weakness being her sufficient protection.

Such thoughts tarnish the brightness of the soul; they degrade the heart.

It seemed a degrading kind of thing to defile a human being in that way.

These and other degrading laws the European progressive women are trying to remove from the Codes.

Had the property so taken been applied to the benefit of its true owners, they would not and could not have been so ignorant and degraded a race as they now are; only forty-four of whom, out of four or five hundred, can write their names.

What could possess any man blessed with such a birthright to place himself in so false and degraded a position?

We have been given the alternative of abject and degrading submission or of extermination.

The convict's place is lower than the most degraded menial; he must ask for permission even to get a drink of water.

It was bad enough to send him away, but she had degraded his memory of her, and the thought that she had not deceived him, but had told him what he otherwise might never have known, did not console her just then.

The disreputable adventurer element which degrades our politics, and invades society too, is not found here.

They are degraded by their own countrymen, and despised by others, but time will work changes.

It is very degrading to find one's self looked down upon as a sort of animal without reason or feelings; and if you degrade a man, you deprive him of any incentive to make himself useful, except the brute one you may feel bound to apply yourself.

The sexual activities of man and woman belong not to that lower part of our nature which degrades us to the level of the "brute," but to the higher part which raises us towards all the finest activities and ideals we are capable of.

They will, without hesitation, avow, in how low and degrading a light they regard the doctrines of the cross.

The African, degraded from the rank of man, seems irrevocably doomed to servitude.

You cannot lift, any more than you can degrade, the heart of man piecemeal.

The summit of the mountain is degraded, and the materials of this part, which in a manner has become useless from its excessive height, are employed in order to extend the limits of the shore, and thus increase the useful basis of our dwellings.

Would you, now, that this inhabitant of heaven should be degraded to earth again?

He saw how miserable and degraded he was, and he understood that he was odious to people.

He could not know that she believed him vindictive, coarse, degraded, a drunkard and a bully.

It was a step downward in rank for her, as her marriage with a Commoner did not degrade her to his status.

It was only in the evenings, when bodily fatigue had weakened the purpose of ranching habit, and when the girl, wearied with her day's work, relaxed her vigilance, that the old man craved for the object of his passion and its degrading accompaniment.

To many people, who have all the means of existence they care for without a struggle, it seems that the only thing that can give a thorough interest and zest to life is to devote themselves to the elevation of the degraded classes of society.

The frivolity which formerly made trifles absorb them, now spends itself on religion, which it degrades.

Eloquence is held amongst them in the first place, and avarice in no respect degrades their minds.

There are no clothes, no food, no books here, nothing but what degrades men and women.

His charities, shorn of the degrading elements of many similar ones, were carried on without a hitch.

To sink into the humiliating rank of a client, instead of maintaining the dignity of a patron, was a degrading thought.

It is not that men are pained by the scorn of the upper classes, but they cannot endure their own; for they feel that the kind of labor to which they are condemned is verily a degrading one, and makes them less than men.

It is degraded into an event in the phenomenal world, and when so degraded it cannot be substantiated.

It is to be lamented that any class of Englishmen were to be found so degraded as to be guilty of this ingratitude.

What greater wretchedness can there be than to live degraded in your own estimation?

If we can ever find something that will not degrade as it exalts, all the world will rush to use it.

He was harassed by duns, he was, according to his own way of thinking, reduced to an almost degrading state of poverty.

They settled in the poorest and most degraded district of the city, and began to preach in tents, in cellars, in deserted saloons, under railroad arches, in factories and in any place which could be had for nothing, or at a low rental.

Having once seen his situation in life from such a standpoint, he felt it day by day to be more degrading, and he wondered what he should do about it; and once, drawn by a new, strange sympathy, he went to the little family burying ground.

You stand in the same degraded ratio to a tradesman that a rascally quack does to a regular surgeon.

The humiliated, degraded, helpless emperor knew full well what this signified, but dared not disobey.

A woman would have remembered what reasons I had for pitying the man who loved me, and for accepting any responsibility rather than associate his memory, before the world, with an unworthy passion for a degraded creature, ending in an act of suicide.

Now that I see your depravity, worlds would not tempt me to wed you, degraded as I am!

Barter was more common than sale, partly because the Government had degraded its own currency until the natives were fighting shy of it, and partly because the owners of the sheep and goats were a company of true Bedouins from the extreme South.

He did advertisement pictures for a weekly paper; a sordid and degrading pursuit.

The idea that such having and holding will alienate a good woman from the husband who permits it, degrades the sex.

There was already a Lady Neville about the world whose existence was a torture to them; and if this young man chose also to marry a creature utterly beneath him and to degrade the family, no effort on their part could prevent him.

Atheism and Pantheism, and other "degrading types," may be begotten of it!

I did not know that every rule in an English prison is cunningly devised to annoy and degrade the unfortunate prisoner.

And thus, I must maintain, it degrades Hamlet and travesties the play.

The old house presented to Maria's fancy something in itself degraded and loathsome.

No one shall molest them, no one shall force them through degrading tricks.

I did not do so, however, since it was not necessary that I should look out in order to feel fully convinced that there were men below, who had determined to degrade themselves below the level of the brutes that perish.

Notwithstanding the tenderness and sweetness of my mother, her husband still deplored his degraded state.

The son left his home, followed the impulses and passions of youth, had gone among those that were degraded, had soiled his character, done despite to his father's love, injured his own nature, degraded himself by his associations and actions.

To get oneself lost before twelve, and then to come home, is a very degrading thing; but at any time after two you may be supposed to have ridden the run of the season, and to be returning after an excellent day's work.

They say this weakening is accompanied in towns by an increase in sundry hateful and degrading vices.

She has too much good sense to insult her fine womanly nature by degrading and unnecessary sacrifices.

Regarding us all as degraded from our high estate, religion has opened to us an inexhaustible treasure of indulgence.

Yet the one was degraded to a filthy monster; and of the other they made a scarecrow.

She wondered that her husband had not noticed that tremulous degraded hand.

To earn and save money they will live in conditions unsanitary, unhealthy, and degrading.

In denying the immortality of the soul, you degrade human nature, and confound man with the vile and perishable insect.

Witness this people which had attained the summit of power, how degraded and downtrodden it is now.

With regard to the punishment of flogging, many persons condemn it, as degrading to a boy's character.

She is ready to degrade herself and risk her soul by a mercenary marriage sooner than bear that wound to pride!

He could not help treating him as the conqueror of his states, but he refused to degrade himself by base servility.

All seemed determined to degrade themselves as much as possible, and nearly every one seemed supremely happy.

The most degraded of men is allowed to beget children of his kind.

The books themselves feel a little degraded, when this sort of conversation is carried on in their presence: some of them know well enough that occasionally they fall into hands which think more "of the coat than of the man who is under it."

After she has been enslaved and degraded, she, in turn, has enslaved and degraded her husband and her sons.

That too is why debating is such a wretched amusement and most partisanship, most controversy, so degrading.

"It angers me to see a man degrade himself by such uncouth apparel."

Truly it was a sad sight to see their former comrades degraded into executioners.

Any supposed inattention to these animals were sure to be visited with degrading punishment.

Tom had always lived among refined, and cultivated people, and he felt intuitively, from her air and bearing, that she belonged to that class; but how or why she could be fallen to those degrading circumstances, he could not tell.

We are creatures of habit, and by knowing the laws of its formation we can, in a little while, build up a network of habit about us, which will protect us from most of the ugly, selfish and degrading things of life.

I'd denounce you, and you'd lose your rank and be degraded to a candidate again.

The first object which she sets before herself is to get to know the people, and to make them feel that she is their true sister and friend, irrespective of the fact that they are themselves good or bad, respectable or degraded.

Is it in order to degrade their superiors, to raise the status of menials?

They both woo, cajole, and flatter woman to oppress and degrade her.

I continued my drunken habits as long as I had money to spend on liquor; and when finally I had exhausted my own resources I stole from my parents the means to still continue in the indulgence of my degrading vice.

Such a termination to the Weston career was dreaded infinitely more than any amount of corporal punishment or impositions, and the prospect of being degraded from his class caused the idlest boy to set to work, so that such disgraces were not common.

The women began to wail, and the sons, who generally treated their mothers with neglect and indifference, now declared, with a good deal of emphasis, that their mothers should not be sent away, and thus degraded in the eyes of the people.

He was just rising in the world, and anything which barred the upward way was denounced as degrading and insulting.

Yesterday I should have crouched before you, as one degraded, as I ought to do.

Degraded, disgraced as he is, neither on the side of the father nor of the mother need he blush for his parentage.