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Use gambit in a sentence

Definition of gambit:

  • (noun) an opening remark intended to secure an advantage for the speaker
  • (noun) a maneuver in a game or conversation
  • (noun) a chess move early in the game in which the player sacrifices minor pieces in order to obtain an advantageous position

Sentence Examples:

It wasn't until Eleanor had turned the table the second time, that he made his first gambit in the game.

The Pawn offered by the first player here at his second move is called the Gambit Pawn, and when taken by the adversary the opening becomes a gambit.

This gambit has many modifications, the names appropriated to which will be found in their proper places in the following pages.

Whatever kind of gambit is being played here, it is bigger than any of its parts or pieces.

The gambits of the great game of love are strangely limited, and there is little variation in the after-play.

It does not matter what the stories are about, the fact remains that an opening gambit which three months ago would stamp a man as a triple bore now holds everyone breathless.

A young lieutenant singled me out to be his adversary at chess, a game in which I was extremely proficient, and would reward me for my gambits with excellent cigars.

It would not do to have Bannister looked upon as a bad gambit, not after all they went through to stay in power after putting him in.

His discernment or judgment is a spontaneous exercise of memory, and resembles the chess-playing skill of one who plays a gambit.

At times, when a game ended, a table was involved in a fierce discussion: gambits, Morphy's classical games, were thrown about.

He gave them one and all a Knight, essayed the Gambit on every occasion, and not one of the young gentlemen could make a stand against him.

The reader has already had several examples of Gambits, but others still remain to be described.

This gambit did not please Edwin, whose instinct was always to pretend that nothing was the matter.

Gambit hurried along, thinking, I suppose, of his supper, and using my box as a kind of battering-ram with which to force a way.

He has established a kind of 'James-gambit' in historical fiction, and the present romance is no exception to the rule.

Gibson, playing chess with Xavier across the chart-room plotting table, looked up briefly and went back to his gambit.

Before it would be safe to accept her gambits I must first explore my business connections.

This conversational gambit, is all right, but the trouble in the banks is that they keep changing the young ladies around.

A very considerable difference between the center gambit and the King's gambit lies in the fact that in the former acceptance is compulsory, whilst in the second it may be declined.

All things considered, the student should in my opinion decline the gambit, as in doing so he can get an easy and satisfactory development.

The treatment of the "King's Gambit accepted," which aims at holding the gambit pawn, is most difficult and leads early in the game to such complications as none but an expert can hope to master.

You play along, and suddenly your opponent makes a move that reveals a whole gambit which you hadn't been able to see before.

It has still no reality about it, but the moves and gambits and openings are analyzed and can be learned.

His new variety of that fine gambit scarcely beginning to be analyzed; and if I commit him to the meeting next week, when shall we ever meet again?

Every one has learned the gambits: they do not have to be explained, nor their importance demonstrated.

If he should try every method of answering a special attack, he would be sure to find in the end that the method laid down in the gambit was the true one.

The openings, the gambits, which were to lead them to the very heart of the game, were at first masked and hesitating.