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Use gambit in a sentence

Definition of gambit:

  • (noun) an opening remark intended to secure an advantage for the speaker
  • (noun) a maneuver in a game or conversation
  • (noun) a chess move early in the game in which the player sacrifices minor pieces in order to obtain an advantageous position

Sentence Examples:

He not only played the Velasquez gambit in his portraits, the gambit of Rembrandt in his somber imaginative pieces, but he boldly annexed all Spain for his sinister and turbulent art.

Gambit, however, had a satisfactory practice, much pervaded by the smells of retail trading which suggested the reduction of cash payments to a balance.

From the foregoing illustrations of the Evans Gambit, it will be seen that this opening is exceedingly complicated both for the attack and the defense.

I was not, I felt, a pawn on their chessboard, to be pushed forward as a mere gambit to cover other and more subtle forms of attack.

Hancock, crumbling her bread with dropped eyes, saw here a very good gambit to open with again in a little serious conversation she meant, if possible, to have with him afterwards.

We men know every canned peach's flirtations and frailties and conversational gambits so thoroughly that one of us could no more marry one of them than the average outsider could marry his kid sister.

The leader, having no reason to lead trumps, even with five, and not having three honors in his long suit, prefers the gambit opening of the singly guarded queen.

It is difficult to imagine a less astute opening gambit for a man who was about to become Chancellor than to reinstate this sinister organization which had been suppressed by his predecessor.

It is therefore unwise for the beginner to accept the gambit, unless there be a chance of compensation for the disappearance of his center pawn, by forcing the exchange of White's center pawn as well.

Her unaccustomed ears could not catch a word of the conventional gambits of conversation opened, on introduction, by her fellow guests.

And from this moment the whole problem of the game becomes as complicated and interesting, given that the stones perform something like that which is required of them, as does a game of chess when the first four or five moves of a recognized gambit have been played and countered.

And my conversational gambit, I protest, was masterly, and would have made anybody else think, "Oh how candid is the egotism of this child!"