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Use gaslight in a sentence

Definition of gaslight:

  • (noun) light yielded by the combustion of illuminating gas
  • (verb) To mislead someone such that they doubt their own memory, perceptions, or sanity.

Sentence Examples:

Both gaslights were flaming brightly.

The gaslights seem beaming love at you.

She liked this little gaslight soldier.

The liquid flamed yellow in the gaslight.

He came back to the gaslight, opening one.

Does the gaslight change the shade much?

Complexions and gowns look better by gaslight.

Why not look at it by gaslight, love?

He sat staring at the yellow, singing gaslight.

A gaslight had been left burning down here.

"Oh, you look all right by gaslight now!"

Not a single ray of gaslight illuminated them.

Adventure comes at night; pleasure walks by gaslight.

The gaslight on the wall was turned low.

A dim point of gaslight burned in the hall.

Something flashed in my opponent's hands in the gaslight.

In the glare of the gaslight Olive Henderson looked superb.

I took it up directly and held it under a gaslight.

She stood where the gaslight fell right on her.

The gaslight in the cellar was still burning brightly.

The plates were also tested using gaslight instead of daylight.

See how the folk swarm over yonder in the gaslight.

Do you see those three men standing under that gaslight?

The illumination was such as threw all gaslights into shade.

Miriam went through the swing door into warm yellow gaslight.

The room within was illuminated by a blaze of gaslight.

Her face looked awfully severe as the gaslights fell upon it.

The evil-looking instruments gleamed and flashed beneath the gaslight.

It stopped, lifted a hand which crept toward the gaslight.

In their place the gaslight, trains, conventional talk of duty!

Now, the gaslight flared against the bare walls and ceiling.

The figure of a constable loomed up suddenly in the flickering gaslight.

They have a gaslight at the bottom burning night and day.

Holding them up in the gaslight she dreamed over their wisdom.

Even his back looked sullen, and his face under the gaslights.

The women are often brilliant under gaslight (a bright, artificial light).

Unlike other cobalt blues, it does not change color by gaslight.

The gaslight shone upon it; he could see it in full profile.

Moss declares his opinion that I shall be seen above the gaslights.

Hall had pulled the chain that turned on the automatic gaslight.

I hurriedly asked, taking it to the flaring gaslight on the stairway.

It was moonlight and gaslight besides, and very still and serene.

It is so soft, that in the gaslight they will look like silk.

Then, under the flaring gaslight, they met together to consult further.

She dimmed the gaslight and found her way back to bed.

Artificial red does no harm for once, and looks well under gaslight.

And then the cab stopped beside the curb near a corner gaslight.

Under the gaslight her hair was the color of a new penny.

As he turned, she was silhouetted against the gaslight of the hall.

The evening gaslight produced a continued flashing of light from his eye.

In the daytime the child was not as pretty as by gaslight.

As he neared each successive gaslight it grew taller and immediately afterward diminished.

A glaring gaslight flashed into the carriage, right into the face of Isabel.

Collingwood is in a mind to stay and see the city by gaslight.

And he pointed toward Julia, whose face showed so plainly in the gaslight.

In the office stood a young man, going over some accounts by gaslight.

Ten minutes ago the gaslighted house behind her had seemed like a prison.

The ceiling spun, and the gaslight separated itself into a hundred flames.

This time, a little, dim, ghostly gaslight was allowed in the room.

And books with a moral, and iron-fronted blocks, and plenty of gaslight.

Seen by the glaring gaslight her complexion is singularly clear and pale.

Her cheeks were flushed, and her eyes sparkled brightly under the gaslight.

The pine floor, the gaslight, and the voice of the auctioneer hold him.

Read from Scott's Ivanhoe till morning by gaslight, rain still falling in torrents.

The very gaslights screamed above the din as if they found it contagious.

Even as Crate spoke the gaslight went out, leaving them in complete darkness.

They ran into the parlor, and laughed at each other in the gaslight.

Here and there stood exotic plants, the gaslight glinting on their green foliage.

Now, as he lifts it up to read by the gaslight, survey him well.

In the evening, however, everything was artificial and in keeping with the gaslight.

He strode to the window gowned and majestic, very visible in the gaslight.

True that it passes muster by gaslight, but the sunlight shows it up.

For audience halls lighted by gaslights he considers the upward method as preferable.

The lawyer's red face had turned pale, and looked yellow in the gaslight.

In the blending of twilight and gaslight the room became mysterious, a shadowy corridor.

Lawson took it to the gaslight and, turning on the light, examined the picture.

Dot came to the foot of the stairs, where a single dim gaslight flickered.

She took the child's face in her hand and turned it to the gaslight.

And we do not know how precious our gaslight is till we have lost it.

A glimpse of gaslight showed the red mustache and white face of Jasper Drummond.

A dim gaslight burned halfway up the stairs and guided him to his room.

Freddie, after one long look at him under the gaslight, knew who he was.

The artificial gaslight disappears, and the sober, gray morning breaks in upon our reason.

Her face looked back at her, pointed and ghostly, in the gaslight and shadows.

The assistant emerged into the bright gaslight of the little room as she spoke.

When he had entered the house, questions of gaslight and blinds were enormous to him.

The gaslight, streaming down on the table, illuminates the outline of "the great country."

Jessie's face showed white in the gaslight; and her voice was far from steady.

The older sister, seated at a little table under the gaslight, was deep in work.

There stood Lady Victoria under the gaslight, by the fire, looking at the clock.

He wore no hat, and his snowy hair waved gently in the radiance of the gaslight.

That is an unusual glare in the sky; it can hardly be the reflection of gaslights.

Fry went to his gaslight and put his finger and thumb on the screw.

She started as he came up, and looked at him in the glare of the gaslight.

Through its reddish mass the gaslights shone with the cold brilliance of pale gold.

Under the yellow gaslight her face gleamed excitedly up into his, her breath came quickly.

It was a strange sight on which the flickering gaslight fell in that little room.

The night nurse paused outside the door, and a little rush of gaslight flickered in.

He had left the front door open, so that a shaft of gaslight fell upon them.

There was a gaslight burning very low; Harmony turned it up and faced her visitor.