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Use gaslight in a sentence

Definition of gaslight:

  • (noun) light yielded by the combustion of illuminating gas
  • (verb) To mislead someone such that they doubt their own memory, perceptions, or sanity.

Sentence Examples:

It generates much less heat than gaslight, and vastly simplifies the problem of ventilation.

"These rain-soaked sidewalks on which the gaslight is reflected seem gloomy to me," he said.

Prints can be developed in weak daylight or gaslight, and prolonged washing is dispensed with.

She also had lived amidst the gaslights, and now she was self-banished into absolute obscurity.

I saw in the gaslight that Holmes wore an amused smile at this brilliant departure of mine.

Then Jenny crept out of bed and by the faintest glimmer of gaslight achieved the transformation.

There are strong contrasts in the lives of those one sees upon these streets under the gaslight.

She lives only in the gaslight, and her nature at last becomes as artificial as her habits.

If he were compelled to face them on the pavement in the flaring gaslight, he would run away.

The temperature was like that of a furnace, and the glare of the gaslights almost blinded one.

In the dim gaslight she looked at his yellow, care-crushed face with new compassion in her heart.

And the smoke-reek grows denser and thicker, and the gaslight looks dizzy through the haze.

Retorted Aubrey Beardsley, and pulled down the blinds and worked by gaslight on the finest days.

She sat looking out into the night, the gaslights flaring in from time to time upon her face.

I have a good deal of enforced evening leisure, as it is seldom I can paint or draw by gaslight.

Frank had made sure of the place, but, somehow, it did not seem quite the same by gaslight.

Magnificent great station buildings are shown up by gaslight in the midst of surrounding darkness, then disappear.

The little old lady turned her bird-like head as we all stumbled forward in the strong gaslight.

She was dressed in gray, and the gaslight fell on a mass of deliberately brushed light hair.

The one gaslight was burning dimly, but it afforded sufficient illumination to show what was going on.

Out in the street the cabs had gathered, like huge beetles, standing in patient rows in the gaslight.

She stopped in the doorway, framed like a picture in the hall gaslights, and looked into the room.

The gaslight had been turned down and in the gloom the cigar ends gleamed with each respiration.

She said if he would only permit the gaslight to remain burning, it would be all they would require.

It was a curious place: a large wall, with a gate in the middle, and a gaslight burning inside.

There was one immense room, with plenty of windows for daylight and plenty of burners for gaslight.

He shows me the office: I see it, I smell it, with its flaring gaslights and sickly atmosphere.

Then, all at once, in the gaslight, I saw the policemen's swords twinkle, pinking people in all directions.

The gaslight fell full upon her as she drew her veil over her face and walked rapidly away.

He's the kind that oughtn't to be out before lunch, and he goes especially well with gaslight or electricity.

By the gaslight Maurice got a fair view of his companion, and was led to wonder who he was.

Eyes of that indescribable hazel that light up with passion or emotion, like an evening dress under the gaslight.

Walking home through the wet streets, under the flashing gaslights, Dorothea and her companion preserve an ominous silence.

The two professors exchanged notes, and then stepped over to a flaring gaslight where they could read them.

From beneath the bed he drew a pair of low shoes, which gleamed in the gaslight from arduous polishing.

And now, with the staircase accessible and a gaslight to keep up my courage, I grew brave, almost reckless.

He went to the corner again and found a small tin of biscuits, which he opened and examined under gaslight.

A yellow gaslight burned dimly in the harness shop when the man in the worn top hat entered.

The chamber also was dark after the gaslight on the stairs, but that was so much the better.

Opening the door, he discovered by the dim gaslight something dark on the pillow of his own bed.

Wealth can command its bath here as well as its gaslight and its supplies of ice, but wealth only.

It was Clarence Mayfair's; he was paler than usual, and his light curly hair looked almost artificial in the gaslight.

A year since I strained my eyes very severely, and have never dared to use them much since by gaslight.

I have braved the gaslight for an instant, to write you this note, and already I am suffering the consequences.

It was a weird and interesting thing to be alone with my solitary gaslight in that huge and empty office.

Back through the street, under the gaslights, under the stars, went Guy Darrell, more slow and more thoughtful.

He crossed the great echoing cathedral yard, and passed slowly from gaslight to gaslight, too weary now to talk.

The gaslight was more than she could bear, she dropped her head again, covering her face with both hands.

In the day a half twilight prevails, and at night a rich flood of gaslight streams along their entire length.

There's nothing he likes so much as that; but it is the reading of those horrible long papers by gaslight.

I will gladly show you these goods by gaslight, for I am confident you will only admire them the more.

She drew the dark curtains across for the evening, lit another gaslight, and remained standing by the fireplace.

Wayne, writing letters under the gaslight, noted the boy's neat, orderly ways in all his preparations for bed.

Then, when he had got outside under the gaslight, he saw that it was indeed his master, but terribly changed.

She could now see, by the gaslight that burned on the landing, a little more of what the man was.

It was so dark, that without a gaslight no one, but he could see to read there, except on very sunny days.

We will not estimate the Sun by the quantity of gaslight it saves us; Dante shall be invaluable, or of no value.

Dressing by gaslight, he found breakfast ready when he went down, and day broke soon after the meal was over.

It was Basil Grant who stood foremost of the group, the golden gaslight lighting up his strong face and figure.

Once beyond the gaslighted streets, the sense of darkness in the midst of the surging multitude was oppressive and unnatural.

We are like the actors, who cannot bear to be away from the gaslights when once they have lived amidst their glare.

Their application for admission led to the withdrawal of a bolt, and they stood within the gaslight of the passage.

If there sits a spectator who knows, he sits so high that the players in the gaslight cannot hear his breathing.

He saw several men slashing at each other with knives, as he recognized by occasional bright steel gleams under the gaslight.

He said he found the gaslight trying for his eyes when he wanted to read in bed, so he got a reading lamp.

Thus appealed to, and somewhat shaken by the voice and manner, he stopped under a gaslight, and looked at the speaker.

He could picture to himself the audience, all those rows of young men, sitting there in the hot air and gaslight.

He ground his teeth and I noticed in the gaslight that his face was ghastly pale and his lips were blue.

They had breakfast (as indeed they often did) by gaslight, and then hurried off, Lucy taking Hugh with them.

I have seen yet but a very small portion of it, and that by gaslight, yet I call it a splendid city!

Moving with painful steps and pale face, he took his seat under the gaslight in the great square room and remained motionless.

Dickens stands against a dark background in a frame of gaslight, which throws out his face and figure to the best advantage.

There was Johnnie bending over his books, the gaslight above him brought him out in clear relief against the dark room.

With this thought in his mind, he turned a dim corner of the white passage, where a naked gaslight burned dimly.

The use and the disposition of gaslights, especially high in the centers, blind the eyes by which alone we can be perceived.

He sat for some moments gazing at the flaring gaslight; then he heard a clock from somewhere in the house strike once.

Then from the kitchen came the smell of ham and eggs and coffee, and in the gaslight, the scrambled meal began.

The gaslight in the hall below was left burning but lowered all night, and the moon shone in through a window.

Things look different by the cold light of day, especially if the day be rainy, from the same things seen by gaslight.

A tall woman wrapped in a heavy shawl had reached the landing, and as the gaslight fell upon her, Regina started forward.

Bill, the driver, was before him, and had a limp little figure in his arms, and was carrying it to the gaslight.

Indeed, the spacious hall in every way was as comfortable as cleanliness and great mats and plenty of gaslight could make it.

His activity is wonderful; think of writing letters these warm delicious evenings by gaslight in a small front study on the street!

Bob had purposely chosen this locality, close to a gaslight, so that he might note the effect of his question upon the boy.

Hats and overcoats were laid aside, and they drew around a table that stood in the center of the room under the gaslight.

Streets more or less frequented may be visited with advantage by gaslight, or under the rather weird rays of the electric light.

In this manner we passed beneath the glaring gaslights, and through the crowded street, without creating a suspicion as to our real character.

The gaslight was obscured by the shadow of the writing table, and he had recourse to the aid of a pocket electric torch.

As soon as my eyes recovered from the glare of the gaslight I found that day had dawned and objects were plainly visible.

The lawyer waited under the gaslight, and as the soldier, pondering the late interview curiously, approached, he addressed him: "Captain Lee, I believe?"

Not one of all their windows glittered; there was but a single gaslight shining, all alone and far away, like a lost spark.

At the back of the shop was a desk perched up aloft, just big enough for one person, and with a gaslight over it.

The round table was drawn directly under the gaslight, and she sat before it surrounded by many beautiful books and writing material.

Under the gaslight I waited, not knowing why, and Bettina being behind me, he thought I was alone when presently he saw me.

Maurice started forward, and picking it up, laid it on the piano; beneath the gaslight, it sank a shadowy gold image in the mirror-like surface.

They never saw the sun; but they had lamps much brighter than our gaslight, which burned night and day, year after year.

Now it was the gaslight on the first floor which seemed a distant star at the bottom of a narrow well six stories deep.

All the way up we had not heard a single sound of life, nor seen a human being, nor so much as passed a gaslight.

Crowds, gaslights, twelve inches standing room for one's body, one's mind in the condition of Noah's dove when the waters were upon the earth!

This condensation permits a sufficiently large volume of gas to be stored in tanks as to make possible the lighting of railroad trains, etc., by gaslight.