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Use sass in a sentence

Definition of sass:

  • (noun) an impudent or insolent rejoinder; "don't give me any of your sass"
  • (verb) answer back in an impudent or insolent manner; "don't sass me!";

Sentence Examples:

Such sass, too!

Annie sasses the entire factory.

Apples are called "sour sass."

I've been sassed enough in this town.

Yet suppose I sassed father like that?

Polo's vocabulary was limited to sassing back.

I don't want them boys to sass you!

He won't sass 'round no mo', mos' certain.

"I don't take sass any more than you do."

Have you two girls been sassing our military friends?

And let's have no more sass about killing people.

He didn't sass ye, not a bit of it.

I'm afraid I sassed the old man a little.

I had a little the night he sassed me.

He sassed me, that old fellow in the carriage.

And then supposing that a boy should sass her.

I have to take their sass and talk like an angel.

I sassed him more, and he did slap my face.

Children didn't use to sass their elders like they do now.

In a few weeks there was an abundance of garden "sass."

Bet she's sorry now she didn't sass him long ago.

We can stand a little more of the same sort of sassing.

Mama sassed her mistress or that what they called it then.

He sassed her inwardly, but not so that she could hear.

They all shut up their sass when they spy yours truly!

"And got the big head about it, and sassed our valiant quarterback."

He'll have plenty of time to 'tend to his garden sass this summer.

I hope you held your head high and sassed him right and left.

You wait till your father gets home, I'll learn you to sass back!

Then they wouldn't be able to fire rocks at me when I sassed 'em.

You put up with my sass for the money I bring ye in.

"Yes," she replied, "and you've got sass enough in your head to fill it."

And about that man on the truck that sassed us the other day?

I was scared clean out of my senses when she sassed that captain.

It ain't to be supposed anybody cares whether I'm sassed or whether I ain't.

And last night I sassed him when I heard what he'd done to you.

Everybody stands up straight, and don't give nor take any sass from anybody else.

"People of his class do not sass, as you call it," said Colonel Grand shortly.

"Just a little sass from you will bring me back to the idea," he said sharply.

And we'd advise you to be a little careful how you sass men in this country.

She won't sass back to him, I'll bet, the way she would to Arthur.

"They don't get the pepper sass into it these days they used to," he said.

And if that soldier down there gives you any sass you pop him over, too.

Christmas the boys threw at the house and gave me sass when I spoke to them.

"I'm an officer of the law, and I'm not going to take any of your sass."

You think it's a pleasure I got to take sass from such a bad boy like Irving?

The Sophomores may sneer at faculties and kings, but they wouldn't think of sassing you.

He's handy to lay the blame on for things, and he doesn't dare to 'sass' back.

People haven't a bit of respect for me; and I have to put up with sass from every one.

The minister is smooth an' nice, an' he would stand sass, but it's awful bad for Hank.

She bossed Bill and Bill "sassed" her, but they were on the whole very fond of each other.