Sentence Examples:
Judge's scathing comments.
His tone became scathing.
Gwen's tone was scathing.
The sentence was scathing.
Echoed Lowndes, with scathing scorn.
Returned Ellen with scathing bitterness.
Tom growled with scathing contempt.
Demanded Pete, with scathing scorn.
Nancy inquired, with scathing curiosity.
Sylvia's voice had a scathing note.
These were heroic and scathing words.
He met O'Hara's scathing look squarely.
Le Roy's scathing words of condemnation.
Her Scathing Review of the Martyrdom.
He wanted to say something scathing.
He had uttered some scathing truths.
No more scathing book was ever written.
Was the reply, in scathing accents.
Louisa burst into a loud, scathing laugh.
It was Masters' turn to become scathing.
They gave us both a thorough scathing.
Boccaccio follows with his scathing irony.
Cried the girl, with scathing emphasis.
Its verdict was harsh and scathing.
Kelly delivered himself of a scathing comment.
A scathing sarcasm was on her lips.
The voice was full of scathing bitterness.
The mate was scathing in his remarks.
Scathing satire reads ill over fresh mold.
It was a most scathing rebuke on "Mormonism."
He concluded with an air of scathing accusation.
Perry fixed him with a scathing gaze.
There was no mistaking his scathing tone.
Was the scathing comment of another man.
Other papers copied, and scathing editorials followed.
Her look was neither triumphant nor scathing.
The judge replied with a scathing rebuke.
Nestor did write Tom a scathing letter.
They were received with a scathing, deadly fire.
Cameron, so I shall escape scathing this time.
It was so perfectly administered, so utterly scathing.
He said, in a rising tone of scathing contempt.
Cried the old storekeeper, with scathing contempt.
Perry bent a scathing glance at his companion.
For these he had a few scathing words.
She flashed out, in scathing anger and bitterness.
I then proceeded in the following scathing manner.
Your scathing contempt more than balances the account.
She had a severe and scathing ordeal to pass.
The retort was crisp, not to say scathing.
Repeated Melissa Whiting, with whispered but scathing contempt.
And scathing mockery followed, harder to bear than abuse.
The menu is produced and discussed in scathing terms.
That was all; but her indignation was scathing.
The lightning bolt was less terrible and scathing.
The last word was pronounced with scathing contempt.
There is no more scathing and burning satire in literature.
Jefferson Davis himself, and read him a scathing indictment.
Anne was less scathing, but by no means charitable.
The rebuke was the more scathing for its silence.
Only his criticism on a Welsh funeral was scathing.
These scathing attacks changed the mood of the country.
After the trial Whistler wrote Moore a scathing letter.
Her scathing words have carried conviction to their hearts.
"A common opening," said Martin Disney, with scathing contempt.
She drew herself up and spoke in a scathing voice.
It will be a just punishment for your scathing remarks.
He was always so scathing about her worship of Nick.
And therefore he laid himself open to Hal's scathing humor.
They always seemed to be implying something slighting or scathing.
Her young soul was smarting beneath the scathing injustice.
To these letters the Prophet Joseph wrote scathing replies.
Is it any consolation to be forgiven in terms so scathing?
Oh, I could write such a scathing reply to it!
Elizabeth was furious, and her expressions of resentment were scathing.
He sent all of us home with a few scathing words.
He finally committed suicide in consequence of a scathing newspaper article.
Your adept finds nowhere so scathing a critic as your novice.
He would make every trace disappear beneath his scathing pen.
The players poured upon the Rube a continuous stream of scathing abuse.
It was the most scathing condemnation his imagination could frame.
Their story was told in scathing language by Edward Everett.
Stone turned round and looked at her with scathing indifference.
All of a sudden he may put scathing questions to me.
Whispered Chub to Roy, and received a scathing glance in reply.
Cried Steve, his own face flushing under the scathing torrent.
Her tone was scathing in its mixture of pity and indifference.
She was as scathing as she was hasty in her judgments.
I believed Dreyfus to be guilty, and I said so in scathing terms.
Sincere, scathing, and impressive, his following was large and devoted.
Frederick took the opportunity to make a few scathing remarks to Percival.
His scathing words of rebuke brought on a second flood of tears.
He cried fiercely, and swept the crowd with a scathing glance.
Even the scathing speech of Florence Gardner had failed to disturb her.
Suzanna cast a scathing look at her sister: "I had whipped cream!"