Sentence Examples:
Scathing disappointment and disillusion!
Roared the warriors in scathing derision.
The tone was scathing, even insolent.
Ejaculated the poet, in scathing condemnation.
He exclaimed in tones of scathing contempt.
He denounced that organization in scathing terms.
Demanded Mrs Forsyth with scathing directness.
Latimer never forgot his scathing denunciation.
Each new boil would suggest scathing epithet.
A scathing refusal hovered on his lips.
Why use the scalpel or scathing tongue?
Hume followed with criticism, scathing and merciless.
He cannot be scathing without being a blackguard.
It was a scathing arraignment of the Bolsheviki.
Sheila was startled for a moment, then utterly scathing.
On his lips the phrase was a scathing denunciation.
Under the scathing tirade he had grown very white.
This evening he was scathing in his denunciation of Achilles.
And what did they say to this scathing arraignment?
Diane shrank before the scathing blast of that sightless fury.
Georges took the paper and read a scathing personal denunciation.
Cried Precious indignantly, but Ethel gave her a scathing glance.
The play constitutes a scathing arraignment of the artistic temperament.
No doubt that was a scathing rejoinder among the scavengers.
Temple, cringing beneath the scathing words as under a blow.
This was a scathing arraignment of a master in high finance.
Its scathing invectives in its short sentences begin with "He."
That she was born plain, she admitted with scathing frankness.
He is affable and courteous, or stern and scathing, as circumstances demand.
She exclaimed with scathing irony which failed to scare the other.
Never in my life have I heard such a scathing denunciation of infidelity!
Modern criticism has exhausted itself in scathing denunciation of these poor puppets.
Can there be any more scathing satire on the value of scholastic criticism?
And yet scathing as the censure was, it fell upon callous ears.
They were goodly trees, unharmed as yet by scathing fire or biting axe.
No less swift was the scathing power wielded by that innocent executioner.
The scathing blight of the legal mind descended on this touching story.
Sensational journals merited and received the scathing contempt of all honest men.
"Well may you ask," said Charles De Jones, in bitter, caustic, scathing tones.
Adams had gone, or could utter such scathing condemnation of our American despotism.
She had spoken in tones of scathing contempt and hatred of some cavalier.
Altogether it was one of the most scathing denunciations I ever saw in print.
He said in a scathing undertone, as a fresh burst of laughter came floating in.
She interrupted, with scathing contempt, "you were very straightforward and gentlemanly, I know!"
That scathing work made the Dictator writhe amid the splendors of his palace.
He, at least, was capable of feeling the scathing effects of such anathemas.
He denounced me in every scathing phrase to which he could lay his tongue.
He spoke in what "The Baltimore American" calls the "scathing and withering style."
Nothing could dissuade her; neither the children's astonishment nor Aunt Minty's scathing disapproval.
They would probably applaud to the echo your most scathing denunciations of its baseness.
His address as president of the convention was a scathing arraignment of the South.
As Sam entered, the silence broke into a flash of crackling and scathing contempt.
He was the impersonal but scathing critic, paving the way for his chief.
The result was they sharpened their pencils and wrote scathing editorials denouncing him.
She chided herself for the scathing glance she threw at the unconscious guests.
Of course a rebuke so scathing and sudden as this, never fails to annihilate its object.
Humiliated and cowed, Jonathan stood motionless before the scathing contempt of this noble woman.
She trembled, and drew in her breath at the remembrance of that scathing arraignment.
The stern tone of the act of promulgation stopped neither speeches nor scathing writings.
Thus reassured, he returned and vigorously pursued his scathing arraignment of the absent one.
That was rather scathing of her, those of her classmates who were present thought.
And commenced a most scathing tirade against the very party he was feasting with.
He had scathing denunciation for the one, and compassion and mercy for the other.
Murray was said to have written several scathing articles upon the "Hereditary Legislators" of England.
Her wrath and contempt were the more scathing to behold because of her cherry-colored prettiness.
The cries of the two parties were now in sound an interchange of scathing insults.
Then she whirled upon Mignon in a burst of indignation as scathing as it was unexpected.
One of the weeklies contented itself by reprinting a scathing denunciation from a prominent religious paper.
She realized suddenly the insolence of the question, and would have added a scathing rebuke.
It will represent the most scathing of my revenges upon the unfathomable stupidity of mankind.
What a scathing indictment of the American people is set forth in this brief summing up!
It was denounced in scathing language as shuffling, arrogant and offensive, or as insulting and dishonest.
He allowed himself a scornful reference to the elder Valiant as scathing as it was unjustified.
He now let loose in a witty and scathing denunciation of Lincoln and all his works.
Gilles, who has listened to this incisive and scathing indictment, completely loses control of himself.
"He was dressed like a priest," muttered Barlow, evidently frightened at his commander's scathing comment.
Ross would have been amused at the scathing invectives that were uttered by his sweet-tempered wife.
It was a scathing arraignment of war, a prophecy, indeed, which to-day has been literally fulfilled.
All who, in his judgment, degrade art are made to pay the penalty in scathing caricatures.
Special reference was made at various times and in scathing terms to dealers who declined to affiliate.
Abortive attempts to enliven her wardrobe were immediately crushed with scathing references to the fiery locks.
Ordinary abuse and profanity became weak and ineffective when pitted against words of this scathing nature.
And shall I not adduce my proof and argument, and scathing analysis of their pernicious motives?
On every possible occasion he viciously assaulted the practice of lynching, denouncing it in most scathing terms.
Woe, keen and scathing, be to those who dared, in her presence to utter an insinuation against him.
In hot haste, Smith dispatched a scathing reply, and this fortified his gathering and overdue popularity.
There was no threat of any sort, merely a scathing diatribe of less than a page in length.
He went off to his garret and wrote a scathing criticism on the work of Richard Wagner.
On every side she was forced to listen to the most scathing denunciations of the deposed clergyman.
He is never wearied of scathing any system which might enhance the grinding monotony of mechanical toil.
Henry Frederick's epitaph, if it had been written by the same hand, would have been much more scathing.
A more scathing denunciation of the sin in question is surely to be found on record in no other book.
The man flushed scarlet beneath the scathing words; then a lurid light sprang into his eyes.
With this scathing rejoinder Abe trudged off toward the cutting room and Morris proceeded to the office.
This letter was replied to in rather scathing terms, as the Irishman had enlisted and then deserted.
It was probably a scouring, scathing, blistering sheet, edited in the cutting language of the head of the firm.
Those hazel eyes could flash with a scathing light, and those lips could pour forth vehement utterances.
It all came upon her in a sudden scathing flash of consciousness, which seemed to scorch her drooping face.
There are more whose criticisms can not be made too scathing, whose denunciations can not be made too strong.
Higgins, continuing his scathing denunciation of the police, found that he had lost the attention of his audience.