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Use tantalize in a sentence

Definition of tantalize:

  • (verb) harass with persistent criticism or carping;

Sentence Examples:

"No, it would be unfair to her," she responded decisively, an answer which to me was particularly tantalizing.

Mackenzie saw him on several occasions, but he still persisted in that tantalizing silence.

He was struggling with an old thought that to him had all the tantalizing quality of novelty.

Encouragement was the proper cue, now that Jeremy had tantalized him with a glimpse of the bait.

They did not know that Tarzan had roped the savage beast and tied him to a tree before he came to earth and leaped about before the rearing cat, to tantalize him.

This consideration made him hopeful, but for all that, he must wait, and waiting he found very tantalizing.

There I should have a mind at ease, with no unfamiliar, tantalizing bird note to set my curiosity on edge, nor any sand through which to be picking my steps.

It is exceedingly tantalizing to suffer so much loss of precious time that cannot be recalled.

Almost all the boxes were full now, but one, just opposite, tantalized her by its continued emptiness.

She had never experienced anything like that before; it tantalized her, roused her curiosity.

And as she spoke the rebellious color was still in her face, in spite of the tantalizing curve of her red lips and the sparkle in her eyes.

His thoughts became unruly, and he recalled again that tantalizing perfume, the shy tones of that mischief laughter.

I was myself a witness to this tantalizing deception, and, with the Librarian, read enough to show the date and character of the perishing record.

Every magnificent possibility, every immortal power, every hope of a future, tantalizing in its grand mystery, all lost!

Then one night she and the fever had fled hand in hand and after that he could not recall her image, though her memory still tantalized him.

A tantalizing smile broke over her face, and she stretched her beautiful body lazily in her chair, as a well-conditioned animal stirs in sleek, physical contentment.

Because it wishes to tantalize our enemies, to arouse in their minds a belief that they can overtake it.

The mere titles of these books have often tantalized me with visions of riches beyond my reach.

He had not been able to speak to Mary, though for a moment he had come near enough to be tantalized by a wonderful possibility of understanding.

They might play little tricks upon him now and then to tantalize him, but in the more important matters they were on his side.

It was not, however, within his province to remove him; but it was within his power so to tantalize him that he could render his position as brigade and department commander, intolerable.

I wonder if anyone ever does buy these houses, or if they are merely there to tantalize poor folk?

One of the winged fleet was circling almost overhead at this moment and seemed tantalizing near.

At a picnic there is no such expression as "from soup to nuts," for there is no soup, and perhaps no nuts, but there is everything else in tantalizing abundance.

Nothing is more tantalizing than to remember that you once ran across a highly important fact and then not be able to recall the place in which it is to be found.

Still, he was Sebastian; and after the first shock of his altered appearance had been got over, Josephine carried her incense in the old way, and found her worship as dear and as tantalizing as ever.

They suffer the tantalizing condition of being within sight and hearing of their old material scenes and environments, and yet unable to manifest on them.

He knew their names now, and thus they were transferred from the list of tantalizing mysteries to that of engaging and wonderful friends.

This tantalizing thought had hardly taken possession of George's mind when his attention was attracted by shouts from below.

It was particularly tantalizing because we were almost in sight of our homes, but could not visit them.

There is nothing in the world so tantalizing, and so hard to bear, as the conviction that knowledge is just within reach and that it is deliberately withheld.

Wailed Will, pretending to be bitterly disappointed, though Frank imagined he was assuming this to tantalize Jerry.

"Talk to me about your tantalizing chaps, did you ever meet up with one as bad as Frank can be when he knows the rest of us are so keen to hear?"

Up to this moment it could not positively have been asserted that the man, in spite of his tantalizing declaration, was really in earnest.

It amuses her to manufacture little adventures, to throw tantalizing obstacles in the way of the realization of a vulgar desire.

We pick it up, we shake it, and we hear the tantalizing key to existence rattle plainly just inside.

With eager hands, Dunham leaned forward and grasped it, searching its columns in vain for the tantalizing headlines.

Especially he liked the swell of her forearm, which rose firm and strong and tantalizing and sought shelter all too quickly under the loose-flowing sleeve.

"Your father will be presenting you with one some of these days, I'll warrant," she said in a tantalizing tone.

"I beg the member's pardon, but John Adams never made any such speech," answered Fred who, it must be confessed, was rather too fond of tantalizing the ambitious youth.

She might not approve of him, he had no idea that she did; but she had struck a chord whose vibrations pleased and tantalized.

The stories are very tantalizing, for they always leave off at the most interesting part, and then we may have to wait a week or two before we get the next number!

I should otherwise have fell exceedingly tantalized with living under the walls of so great a city, full of objects of novelty, without being able to enter it.

She resumed her occupation and remembered to accompany it with her tantalizing bit of song.

This kind of thing worries and tantalizes a man, and the only safe conclusion to arrive at is that the entire nation is linked together in some way or other by family ties.

The effect of the forbidden, the tantalizing curiosity aroused and the longing to rise above the level of lust make the sex adjustment the most difficult of all and produce the queerest results.

It is tantalizing, too, considering how abundant are Erasmus' literary remains, that we get so little description of places from him.

Those words he scanned blankly with a feeling of much fire in his head and a tantalizing cloud before his eyes.

And yet I was doomed to lie in a tantalizing impatience until the dawn should give me leave to read her message.

In the present instance, and in about two others, the silence usually kept is broken; and a native woman comes upon the scene to tantalize us by her momentary apparition.

Gottlieb may be mischievous and tantalizing enough to compel me to do so; but this time he has not succeeded.

We are doomed to a few score years of tantalizing failure, and victory is forever impossible for sheer want of time.

Moreover, these armed natives, once promoted to the rank of soldiers, tantalized the farmers, who were formerly their masters, to an inconceivable degree.

One look at her sufficed to tell him that Dale was baiting her, tantalizing her, mocking her, and Sanderson's hatred for the man grew in intensity until it threatened to overwhelm him.

Howard tantalizing the others by having cream in her coffee and sugar upon her wild strawberries, while they were only permitted to take theirs plain.

"You'll get out, in time, for you're a patient fellow," Jack called down, in a tantalizing kind of encouragement.

When he chose he could be very tantalizing; though in an emergency none might excel him in speedy action.

All the sweet domestic comfort which he had missed seemed suddenly to toss above his eyes like the one desired fruit of his whole life; its wonderful unknown flavor tantalized his soul.

The mysterious work on which Billy was engaged was accompanied by the most tantalizing noises.

Just now the vision of that tantalizing girl continued to haunt his memory, and would not down even to the glorious hope of a coming campaign.

In an instant, despite her feeble struggle, the ardent musician grasped the creature that had tantalized him since morning, and kissed her a dozen times.

It was certainly a tantalizing state of affairs, though, in fact, this last one did but mean, "only he must be neglecting his affairs while he stops here."

They were dancing, and Randy's clear whistle, piping a modern tune, came up to him, tantalizing him.

She listened eagerly to him, yet tantalized herself by giving to his words a meaning foreign to their true interpretation, and adverse to her hopes.

Pete's answers to the officer, while respectful, were tantalizing to a degree: "What did you do that for?"

Moreover, her complexion was all cream and roses, and when she smiled two rows of even white teeth were exposed between a pair of tantalizing red lips.

Who provokes and tantalizes and lures on a man, and then stops him short at the very last moment.

There was a little fiction, a few books of ideas, just enough to give the survivors a tantalizing glimpse of the world of their fathers.

Then he pushed her away from him almost roughly, and Flora laughed a low, tantalizing laugh, and crept back to him to lean her head on his shoulder, and lay her arms around his neck.

"I have been taught to complete one task before I began another," was the tantalizing reply, as she went on with her sweeping.

Then, too, it was so tantalizing that her story should have been broken off in the middle, and left there.

There is a tantalizing quality about it which makes one forever wonder what the lady is thinking about and why she is smiling.

They have not yet learned the difference between him and the fox, who is the ancient enemy of their kind, and whom their ancestors of the wilderness escaped and tantalized in the same way.

Beatrice was tall, and she was slim, and round, and tempting, with the most tantalizing curves ever built to torment a man.

There's more back of it than the idea to tantalize you because you beat Al Drummond in the freighting game.

Genius, the ability to play with souls, soothe, tantalize, lift up; and then to smile at her like that!

There was only a little fiction, a few books of ideas, just enough to give the survivors a tantalizing glimpse of the world of their fathers.

Weir always stole off by himself to read his daily letter, trying to escape a merry chorus of tantalizing remarks.

For the second pitch Ken took the same long motion, ending in the sudden swing, but this time he threw a slow, wide, tantalizing curve that floated and waved and circled around across the plate.

There were many covert glances and much suppressed laughter, but neither of the two old maids opposite were able to catch the drift of the low-voiced dialogue, so it remained a tantalizing mystery.

It's a consolation to know that I am going to help to save the country, but it is tantalizing to wait so long.

The two vast still rivers threw over him the spell of mystery, and the secret of the greater one, its hidden origin, tantalized him.

With this tantalizing statement, California and the Queen of California pass from romance and from history.

For long, monotonous months she had been struggling against just such cravings, impossible of realization, and therefore all the more tantalizing.

In this tantalizing solitude of the crowd, in this sense of isolation from our fellows, if never before, do we feel, with sickness of heart, that we are alone.

It is cruel of you to tantalize me with thoughts of happiness because you know I must want it so much.

A tyrant grasp is on my soul, which, while it delights to hold me in its toils, and tantalize and torment, will not love me, or let me love another!

His position, within a few miles of the treasure houses of London, and of friends who might have shared his studies, must have been tantalizing to a degree.

Alfred was so angry at the tantalizing remarks Palmer had cast at him from the audience that he did not dare trust himself near the man.

There was something tantalizing in this reserve which he seemed to try so hard to maintain.

She lived in emotion, but with a tantalizing sense of something unexplained which her understanding had not the power to reach out to and grasp.

I was still to be tantalized, tortured, made the cruel sport of one, for whom I would have sacrificed all.

These persons acted thus to tantalize a camp meeting preacher who was riding on horseback ahead of them.

Lucy had often tantalized her father with the joke that if it ever came to a choice between her and his favorites they would come first.

He tried to resist the sweet and tantalizing anticipation of a message from Lucy, but in vain.

There was a mystery about George which I could not fathom; a mental reservation which was tantalizing and inexplicable.

Probing into the misty recesses of his memory, he found tantalizing hints and traces, and fragments of pictures.

He worked his cigar over into the corner of his mouth and looked up at his victim in a tantalizing manner, waiting.

Perhaps Tom had been tantalizing his business manager, or maybe he really was doubtful about the flexibility of the bar.

Was he to get just a tantalizing glimpse of liberty to have it immediately snatched from him?