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Use tantalize in a sentence

Definition of tantalize:

  • (verb) harass with persistent criticism or carping;

Sentence Examples:

Of a sudden she laughed, and raised a tantalizing face, merry, candid, and inscrutable.

The aroma of freshly made coffee smote her nostrils and roused her from the tantalizing memories.

And surely, in all the world, there had never bloomed a more tantalizing, more wantonly provoking rose than this!

He saw the frenzied women tantalizing the great lion with sticks and stones.

His lithe body, fifty pounds lighter than Howland's, seemed to be that of a boy dodging him in some tantalizing sport.

Again and again he tried, but the tantalizing twigs and branches muffled the bow and turned the arrow.

For an instant, in a dream, she had tasted some great and novel happiness, and when she awoke it was dashed from her lips, and she could not even enjoy the memory of it, except in a vague, indefinite, and tantalizing way.

There was something tantalizing in her nearness and the fact that she did not once show herself at the top of the stair.

He and his sons were on guard by turns all night, and the howling of the tantalized wolves came clearly to us at times with, at long intervals, the reports of the guns which were fired to keep them at a distance.

Frank Carson had been dreaming tantalizing dreams of cooling, effervescent beverages.

To be looked at, to lure and tantalize, was more than pastime.

He thrust the remainder into his watcher's hands, and turned his back upon him, so as not to be tantalized.

I am afraid of myself sometimes when she tantalizes me so dreadfully.

"I don't want to be tantalizing," she answered him, still pacing in the growing dimness of land and sea.

Laughing, Broderick took from an inner pocket a long and slender parcel, which he unwrapped with tantalizing slowness.

The vision that has fired most of his fellow citizens has looked to him like a tantalizing but insubstantial mirage.

The reason was that she maliciously wanted to tantalize him, George.

I soon saw the folly of trying to get out by the door; so I turned to the window, which was more difficult still, or, if not more difficult, more tantalizing, since it showed me the free garden into which one little jump would suffice to carry me.

Jordan, with tantalizing slowness.

As we rode along that night, John confessed to me that Frances was a tantalizing enigma.

Soon the coyote stopped again, and looked at Dick in a tantalizing sort of way, and again Dick approached it cautiously.

Sanderson speaks highly of, I can imagine may be very interesting, but it is also very tiresome and tantalizing.

"There are many things you might say truthfully," agreed Harry in a tantalizing tone.

Her dress was crumpled up, displaying her crossed feet and the tantalizing line of her slim ankles.

Keep on tantalizing myself for a chimera?

Both sight and scent were tantalizing, and my dreams at night were generally of pleasant food and warm firesides.

He tore at the gambler's wrists, but Gilmore only laughed his tantalizing laugh.

This time he had safely caught his tantalizing rainbow trout, which had not a chance even to wriggle.

It happened to be my turn at the wheel the hour before dinner, and I had the tantalizing misery of hearing them laughing and talking about their turtle, while I was hungry from want of dry bread and salt meat.

A most tantalizing picture indeed, based upon undeniably well-grounded facts.

Cried Tom, straining his lungs to reach the skater, who looked back, gave her usual tantalizing laugh and skated on.

Then Julia Crosby laughed in her tantalizing irritating way.

Again that sweet, tantalizing, enigmatic droop of her mouth's corner.

And Garry curiously enough caught the tantalizing charm of her sweetness that had baffled many an older and wiser man.

Inquired the girl, with an air of tantalizing unconcern.

She explained, with, tantalizing nonchalance, how he ought to take a more encircling hold of her waist.

He was eventually released upon parole and after many tantalizing disappointments permitted to rejoin the army.

The tantalizing talker is one who likes to contradict you.

Valerie wished to be found in an atmosphere of sweetness, to attract the chief and to please him enough to have a right to be cruel; to tantalize him as a child would, with all the tricks of fashionable tactics.

He became more and more attracted by her unique personality, which persistently appealed to his aroused imagination, even while there continued to haunt him a dim tantalizing remembrance he was unable wholly to master.

We were already skirting the willow-clad islands, green and dense with foliage to the river's edge; and beyond these could gain tantalizing glimpses of the mouth of the Rock, its waters gleaming like silver between grassy banks.

The step was a slender iron stirrup, which revolved in its ring with tantalizing ease.

You tantalize me to death with talking of conversations by the fireside.

She could be so tantalizing now and then, that it was easy to believe she was scoffing at him.

It was a beautiful piece of workmanship, was this tantalizing cabinet.

It tantalized him with advantage and growth while he had to turn the clods of the upland.

Once, when for the repayment of a borrowed cab fare she had asked his name and address, he had told her who he was, and she had not believed him; had, indeed, herself tantalized him in return with an address as little probable as his own.

Ah, Frederick; why again tantalize me with your promises, and false prospects.

Chapman expected distinguished company that day, and had arrayed herself in a tantalizing amount of finery.

He gave a tantalizing laugh, and gave the repulsive thing another flirt, which brought it near her face.

The tantalizing suggestions of filaments around the nuclei might be the form of plague that was contagious.

Where she stood she could see the water of the spring near the edge of the forest sparkling in the sunlight, as if it wished to tantalize her, but as she looked a thought came to her, and she acted upon it at once.

He took a tighter grip on the oars, and nodded toward his brother, still with that tantalizing smile on his face.

"It's this way," went on Will, with tantalizing slowness, but Grace knew better than to try to hurry him.

I realized that by allowing my toes barely to touch the floor they had doubled and tripled the pain by the tantalizing hope of, if not momentary relief, at least the alteration of one pain for another.

The recollection was as tantalizing as an itch; but he couldn't locate its source.

It is, indeed, in the highest degree tantalizing that these writers, many of whom loved nothing better than to talk about themselves, should have neglected to give us the information which would precisely be most welcome to us.

"Beastly tantalizing thing to do," he said.

It was a smart vehicle with a chauffeur in gray livery whose figure tantalized his memory.

"Yes," she said, with a tantalizing coquetry that might have suggested an underlying seriousness.

I know it will be said, that such elevation as I have spoken of is not and cannot be within the reach of the laboring multitude, and of consequence they ought not to be tantalized with dreams of its attainment.

"Get the water out, and we will see what can be done," answered Paul, who, though he had already decided this important question, would not permit his passenger to enter into his counsels, preferring to tantalize him by his mysterious manner.

Trying to tantalize their victim, the Apaches made thrusts at Ensign Dave, and then leaped nimbly back.

I was disposed to tantalize my pursuer, and wear out his men.

Of shrugs and winks he offered plenty, enough to keep the youngster tantalized almost beyond endurance.

After all, what a dear, graceful, tantalizing, lovable creature she was!

Instead, like a tantalizing sprite, it danced before them, always beckoning, never materializing.

I protested; for a view of tantalizing loveliness was unfolding itself.

Helen Thornton had the ball and was plainly trying to elude the tantalizing sophomore who barred her way.

Asked Buck, beginning to lower away with tantalizing slowness, as though he enjoyed keeping Fred on the anxious seat.

Their affections may be deeply rooted, but they cannot repulse fate when it tantalizes them with a risk.

He would not only draw the warriors on, but he would annoy and tantalize them.

This, however, is a slow and tantalizing process of varnishing, and there is an easier and better one.

Skippy, crouched in his chair, ground his teeth and tried to shut out the tantalizing sounds.

The live, warm smell that came from the hole was deliciously tantalizing to his appetite.

Beverly flashed one quizzical, tantalizing glance at her.

It is certainly rude, if not tantalizing, to search through a long row of girls dangling a favor.

It was very tantalizing but very exciting withal.

And yet there was something peculiarly fascinating and tantalizing in the situation.

The mare only surged madly forward, as if bent on outrunning the tantalizing, grinding wind.

For an hour this tantalizing work was continued, and the pursuers were nearly exhausted.

Her pretty face, momentarily visible through the window, was slightly flushed with the exertion, and the loose ends of her fair hair, wet with perspiration, curled themselves over her forehead into tantalizing little rings.

Finally, however, the caprice seized the tantalizing creature of descending to the level of mortals, and the brook.

He took snuff with tantalizing deliberation.

Do you take me for a dog, to be chained up and tantalized with nice bits, and hardly allowed to whine for them?

This had tantalized Reginald more than he chose to avow, even to himself.

Sometimes these took the form of lakes, fringed with palms, which tantalized and ever kept mockingly at a distance.

Every day, girls pressed inquisitive noses against the wire netting to peep at the tantalizing prospect beyond.

The whole affair of the lost legacy was most aggravating and tantalizing.

All the afternoon that tantalizing odor hovered in the air and I began to imagine that I could even smell mint sauce.

It was all I could hear, save tantalizing, unintelligible murmurs.

Our friends, the enemy, were now quick to tantalize our pickets with the defeat at Chancellorsville.

The older wife is tantalized by the thought that she herself was selected by the parents of her husband, while the new wife is probably his own choice; and another cause of jealousy is found in the new wife's youth.

The man, turning as red as a beet, looked over the heads of those that sat between him and his tantalizing captor.

The nearness to the surface was meaningless; it only tantalized.

Cried my spirited companion; and he clambered for the second time up on the shelf on which stood the tantalizing jar.

The machine seemed to gleam at him mockingly; the hum continued with tantalizing smoothness.

"Well, if you value my opinion so highly," she answered, in that half-frivolous and half-serious tone that was especially tantalizing to one of his ardent temperament, "I shall be very careful of the advice I give."

After this, she was gay, romping, and even rather tantalizing.

How to tantalize the girls, pique the curiosity without giving it away.