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Use upheaval in a sentence

Definition of upheaval:

  • (noun) a state of violent disturbance and disorder
  • (noun) a violent disturbance
  • (noun) (geology) a rise of land to a higher elevation
  • (noun) disturbance usually in protest

Sentence Examples:

If it is fever, she will need a nurse, and nurses always make such an upheaval in a house.

Her furious upheaval took him by surprise.

The upheaval is once more suspended, and the waters are eating into the land.

Then the upheaval is resumed, in nearly every part of the earth.

James on the effect of an upheaval of a mountain in changing the Earth's axis.

White upheavals broke the passing swell on both sides of the ship.

The entire country will be benefited by this upheaval.

Recovering from the social upheaval of the Revolution, caste soon began to claim its own.

In the long run, the errors and mistakes of that upheaval would grow dim, be as nothing.

Then, as though from some great internal upheaval, the mass began to tremble.

Four weeks ago we stood on the verge of the great upheaval and knew it not.

Of course, there was a great upheaval.

We are passing through a phase of Revolution, very natural after a great upheaval.

His own mind was undergoing an upheaval of conjecture and wild questioning.

Men were coming through the chaos and upheaval of rock.

He was evidently relieved to find that no upheavals were to take place in his domain.

No upheaval could reach to the depth to which she was sunk.

For the life of her she could not help looking out for signs of disturbance and upheaval.

She was conscious of immense upheaval.

Injustices must be remedied, naturally, but without any upheaval!

There will soon be a great subterranean upheaval!

Maybe some kind of wild-eyed Socialist upheaval, or attack, or what not.

He sees on every side indications of political upheaval.

The nature of the symbol would point us to some political upheaval.

In one respect the upheaval brought peace.

This upheaval was social as well as political.

His existence in Baghdad had been subject to sudden upheavals.

Then an upheaval of indignant feeling swept the impression away.

A storm, a high sea, or a gale of wind in his case would be an upheaval of his soul like.

I have lost much money betting on upheavals in that direction.

His stature, which had seemed to increase in this spiritual upheaval, diminished again.

The interest of the people demanded a revolutionary upheaval.

Of mud and the upheaval of quiet lives?

"In the general upheaval, intellectual company has risen in the scale."

Suddenly the little world around me went to smash in one mad upheaval.

A great industrial upheaval, for example, where would that land him?

Follow these two rules, they will save you from secret upheaval.

They refuse to allow themselves to be surprised by any upheaval of circumstances.

This is a great upheaval, Richard, and I'm just beginning to feel how great.

The swaying motion which had hitherto prevailed changed into fierce vertical upheaval.

Think of hundreds of miles of land raised several feet in one great upheaval.

A volcanic upheaval was taking place on the bed of the sea.

At this period great racial upheavals appear to have been taking place further east.

The great upheaval of 1905 changed his viewpoint.

It was a time of terrible strain and upheaval.

The present upheaval is of a most extraordinary character.

There was an upheaval going on in his well regulated mind.

It was not brought about by a social upheaval, but by an external crisis.

It seemed to me like some monstrous upheaval of madness.

Here Buckley came upon signs of recent upheaval.

Simultaneously the tangle underwent a violent upheaval.

After such an upheaval we may say that our former life is dead.

The real upheaval came in the General Election of 1906.

It was broken in two by some upheaval of nature.

Social upheavals have occurred from so small a cause as this.

Upheaval, change, transformation followed, and the tide of battle turned.

No upheaval followed and of course Browne never won his title.

Hart that they result from secular upheaval.

Here she lay for a little, half-stunned, till that terrible slow upheaval began again.

An upheaval disrupted the crescent's center.

After that curious evening, there seemed to be a tremendous emotional upheaval.

We shall now pursue the course of this sect after the first upheaval had ended.

Both these changes involved the upheaval of the existing order.

The great international military conflict was but one phase of this upheaval.

Even today we witness an upheaval in the Balkans, a war of religious prejudice.

Before the upheaval in 1905 he was known as a distinguished historian.

The sin of Cain is the social result of this personal upheaval.

He was born in a generation of revolutions and upheavals, both political and spiritual.

While she was making her arrangements, there was a threatened upheaval in their life.

China, that land of distance and mystery, was undergoing a period of upheaval.

The mother went off in a vigorous scene of upheaval.

"We have had a domestic upheaval," she said.

I wasn't prepared for this sort of upheaval in the natural order of things!

"Upheavals belong to the natural order of things," he said quietly.

Then there came an upheaval that shook things.

"Now, Uncle Madison, what's your cure for the political and social upheavals?"

Jean had never seen such a wild and rugged manifestation of nature's depths and upheavals.

By the way I have not one clear idea about cleavage, stratification, lines of upheaval.

The whole country was in a theological upheaval.

Such an upheaval as his thrilling cries brought about in the three tents!

Woman has stepped forth to a sphere of active worth without upheaval.

The ash, poured out by the mountain in its vast upheaval, has made a rich soil.

Come back when we're not in the midst of an upheaval.

There was an instant volcanic upheaval.

He had been delayed in joining the Baron by the sudden upheaval about the hotel.

Other political upheavals have worked quite as great results, and in less time.

Few political upheavals have been more sudden, and few, if any, have been more complete.

Has nature done this by gradual recession, or by the slow upheaval of the land?

Suddenly there was a great upheaval, and great cracks appeared in the crusted snow.

Yet in all the upheaval, there was very little expression of surprise.

There would be no social upheaval so long as the climate was what it was!

Yes, and this was significant of the tremendous upheaval implied in the resurrection.

I do hate upheavals, and this is going to be such a world-without-end upheaval!

Naturally, they're the main subject down there, after government upheavals, of course.

Apparently he was not convinced that the upheavals were over.

Volcanic upheavals are necessary to the making of a world.

His mind was still confused by this sudden upheaval of his ideals.

Where is the sense of waiting and having another family upheaval in a few weeks' time?

The Canadian's last words caused a sudden upheaval in my brain.

"Suppose one day some volcanic upheaval raises these two barriers back above the waves!"