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Definition of upheaval:

  • (noun) a state of violent disturbance and disorder
  • (noun) a violent disturbance
  • (noun) (geology) a rise of land to a higher elevation
  • (noun) disturbance usually in protest

Sentence Examples:

In the bays and hollows of the distant shores the animal survivors of the great upheaval adapt themselves to their fresh homes and continue the struggle.

First there was the great upheaval at the end of the eighteenth century, the tremors of which were felt in the life of every country in Europe.

One of the greatest of these upheavals of the land occurs in the latter half of the Carboniferous and the Permian.

How far this repeated levelling of the land after its repeated upheavals is due to a real sinking of the crust we cannot as yet determine.

Let us first consider the fundamental and physical aspect of this revolution, the upheaval of the land.

The forests of the Tertiary Era would steadily reduce it, but the extensive upheaval of the land at its close would be even more important.

This would form four sections, two in the north and two in the south, separated by the lines upon which the ocean upheaval would be zero.

There is no trace of raised beaches, or of the terraces which would have inevitably been formed by upheaval on the soft sides of the lava hills.

The terraces in which they rise mark successive periods of upheaval; and how long these periods were, no reasonable man dare guess.

The ravine took them to the first chaotic upheaval of rock halfway up the mountain, and here they were still more lost to view from below.

A soldier was crawling up an upheaval, pushing his rifle before him, when he was shot through the body from underneath.

Out of this fixed belief she had been jolted by the upheaval that placed her on a level with Sir George.

In days of artistic upheaval and growth like the last years of the fifteenth century and the first years of the sixteenth, the milieu must count for a great deal.

Until he was forty he was a philanthropist, working heartily with others in a definite cause, and hoping for the amendment of wrongs, without a social upheaval.

At any moment something quite unforeseen might take place, and cause a complete upheaval of all his plans.

Without doubt, the suppression of so many states, continued for two centuries, could not be accomplished without terrible upheavals.

I am sure, however, that owing to the political and military upheaval it never stopped the slaughter of sheep.

And it may be that the New China, as we know it in the more forward spheres of activity, will only take her proper place in the family of nations after fresh upheavals.

Naturally sympathetic, a pregnant upheaval had taken place in that good lady's psychology during the past year.

At times a shell would land in a crack in the face of the hill, and immediately following would come an upheaval of stones.

I shall have a good deal to say later of the possible results of the vast upheaval of home life caused by this war; but of these women sitting for hours on end in a back room of Mlle.

At no time in its history, prior to the World War, not excepting the Great Upheaval in the eighties, did labor organizations make such important gains as during the following five years.

The enormous fluctuation, while reducing the economic strength of the Order, brought large masses of people under its influence and prepared the ground for the upheaval in the middle of the eighties.

Such ideas were products of the revolution of 1848, and they found the ground prepared for them by that upheaval.

He had no experience with families and domestic upheavals, and he did not know just how serious this quarrel might prove.

English tennis has merely followed its natural development, unaffected by external influences or internal upheaval, so that the game today is a refined product of the game of twenty years ago.

The huge wave that breaks upon the ocean shore may have had its origin in a submarine upheaval five thousand miles away.

To trace the gradual closing of these channels and the filling up of the ocean by constantly increasing accumulations, as well as by upheavals, will be the object of the next article.

The radicals would have us believe that the question of woman's status in the world requires an upheaval of society for its settlement.

Nearly all the docks caved in or sheds were knocked down, and all the streets along the water front were a mass of seams, upheavals and depressions, car tracks twisted in all shapes.

It may seem to some that this new movement of upheaval in the sphere of the Home is merely destructive.

I hoped that there would be a complete upheaval, a renewed and cleaner political system as a consequence.

Just such a tilting or upheaval has taken place again and again with the rocks forming our earth-crust.

It was but a flash of thought, for the physical being's upheaval followed in an instant, but it was a flash of horror.

There had been a disastrous financial panic in 1873 which was no doubt largely responsible for the political upheaval in 1874; but that was lost sight of in accounting for that result.

Even to my island, comparatively untouched by the problems of existence in crowded centers, come the echoes of discord, of social unrest, of political upheavals, of commercial greed.

Once or twice the terrible upheaval of human emotions that his investigations had loosed had almost caused a ripple in his official calm.

The result of this yielding of the crust is a buckling of the surface which on the whole is directed upwards; but depression also is an attendant, in many cases at least, on mountain upheaval.

That is, we might expect along these lines all the phenomena of upheaval and volcanic eruption which give rise to surface elevations.

Fred and Flossy were perhaps in the wrong in causing such an upheaval in a very model household.

This continuous stratum, broken in the process of upheaval, might seem the record of three different epochs.

That which we find in this crust of the globe appears to be the effect of some great upheavals.

Now from all this it was not very far to the idea of a political upheaval and a new distribution of political forces, and Smith saw tendencies abroad in that direction also.

In tropical latitudes these tremendous upheavals of the ocean appear to be most common, but they are known in all regions which are subject to serious shocks of earthquakes.

Yelled Blake, as they came to a little hill, caused by the upheaval of dirt in some previous shell explosion.

The inner upheaval had been so profound that she was surprised to find so little record of it in her outward seeming.

With the upheaval which occurred at the beginning of the nineteenth century, a new order came into being, so far as the Spaniards and Portuguese were concerned.

It was soon seen that, in spite of the national upheaval, the mass of the people were fully alive to the necessity for preserving order and preventing license.

It is also futile to conjecture how the Archduke would have acted had he lived to see the war and the upheaval.

Because, during these last two years of world upheaval we have rolled up the immense favorable trade balance of over three billion dollars.

And so she went her own way quite happily, till suddenly there came an upheaval and all semblance of moderation was thrown aside.

Nothing attracted him which was regulated by average laws of supply answering a demand: all his undertakings required a miracle, an upheaval of popular ideas, to ensure success.

The other process dates back to the outbreak of the First World War that threw the Great Republic of the West into the vortex of the first stage of a world upheaval.

At this mighty upheaval, this sudden outbreak of the wrath of the sea, the company in the stern turned pale, and sent up a terrible cry.

France was now throwing all the enthusiasm, the vital emotion of patriotism into her internal upheaval.

Applied to such upheavals as had taken place in the capital during recent years, the phrase was strictly accurate.

Now the introduction of free thought and private opinion has produced in China an upheaval in men's minds.

I gathered that the murders caused some anxiety, for a great movement against the Turks was planned, and owing to the upheaval in Serbia, perhaps Serbia would not now take part.

The boys told of their experiences, and Jack related more fully his on the night the ship went up on the big rock upheaval.

That slavery was to perish amid the great upheaval became in time the solemn conviction of all thoughtful men.

The compromises upon which it rested were, in the mighty upheaval, but as the stubble before the flame.

The wire was twisted and torn and the whole of that region looked as if a volcanic upheaval had broken the crust of the earth.

I can still feel something of the grateful upheaval of joy of that moment, and I can also still feel the remnant of doubt, the suspicion that maybe it was real, after all.

In front lay an upheaval of rock, stretching almost like a wall across the line they were following.

They had planned to depart for Overton on the nine o'clock train the next morning, little dreaming of the remarkable upheaval that was soon to take place in their plans.

Yet now most of us feel that the movement could not have had the effects that it had, unless down below all there was a strong upheaval of the national conscience.

There were no great mountains on Venus, for this world had known no such violent upheaval as the making of a moon.

If, on the other hand, they neglect this chance, there may result one of those frightful upheavals from which the empire has so often suffered.

Unimportant elections may be fought with such support, but not revolutionary "civil wars" or "the upheavals of the centuries."

Their arguments are likely to interest the average person, however, only when he or she is momentarily thrown off balance by an emotional upheaval of one sort or another.

These documents will serve as a guide in getting at the motive dominant in the minds of these refugees and at the real situation during the upheaval.

In such surroundings and in such an atmosphere he passed sixteen years; then the first upheaval of his life took place.

By a curious process of suggestion and recollection, something of his own experiences in the realm of mental upheaval rose with her words.

You see, ocean currents or some submarine upheaval might shift the big stone so great a distance that we could never find it.

The last island we visited, surrounded by high cliffs, must have been formed by the sudden upheaval of the earth beneath it, so that the whole mass of coral was lifted above water.

Even so there was no substantial evidence that any great political upheaval or party change would occur within the next fifteen or twenty years.

They found the defect, fired the train anew, and soon a terrible upheaval of earth gave the signal to march to victory.

And always, in and out, are darting the telegraph messenger boys with yellow slips that cause upheavals.

Before he could escape there was a tremendous upheaval of the solid earth, and in one instant, without further warning, the entire town fell with one mighty crash!

They must have heard his complaint in the valleys round about, and have wondered what upheaval of nature was taking place among the hills.

The internal situation required watching, and it was on the cards that the influence of the Allies might have to be thrown into the scale in order to prevent a dire upheaval.

All the splendor flames out because a poor man prays, and all the upheaval of earth and the artillery of heaven has simply this for its end, that a poor man may be delivered.

Her inner life had undergone many upheavals since that night; even her feeling for Helena was changed.

Papa used to say there was bound to be another upheaval some day, but I'm afraid it won't be in my time.

He came out of it reduced in prosperity, having, like other faithful Southern Unionists, lost his worldly possessions in that great upheaval.

Because of the many upheavals in the publishing world, it has been impossible to bring out this work at an earlier date, but this firm promises the publication of it by next fall.

With us marriage is "for keeps," as you say, and when upheaval comes, it seems always to spell disaster.

In spite of adverse circumstances and the weight under which these movements were buried, they made themselves felt in violent upheavals.

The lessons of history, however, are more often found in contrasts than in similarities, and the points of difference between these two upheavals are no less striking than their points of likeness.

Some old upheaval had undoubtedly lifted beach, vessel, and all to this altitude above the tides, and left it there to decay.

It mattered little to him how disastrous an effect this upheaval might have on the national cause by plunging the country into civil war or into fresh anarchy.

Stott declared in a tone which implied that a tremendous upheaval of some kind would follow his decision, "my wife and I will leave your party and continue through the Park by motor."

And we know that in time of Revolution exchange and industry suffer most from the general upheaval.

And after the Crimean War was over, there was a social upheaval known as "the great beard movement."

The upheaval that followed this search for a missing relative, extended in several directions, so that a very small cause led up to remarkably large results.

They came together as silently and naturally as two waves close a trough in the ocean, but without disturbance or upheaval.

It was an eerie place to stay in, too, for that section lies close to the main earthquake fault, and the quivering earth was a long time settling down from its great upheaval.

There seems to be a perfect upheaval downstairs, with all Marcia's decorations and color schemes and 'artistic effects.'

On the bank the two men saw it as in a dream: the horse's fall, the upheaval of the water as the animal struggled, a flash of the girl's face, and then Bill's leap.

It means a total upheaval, ruin, distress, civil war, perhaps; in any case, it is the unknown.