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Definition of upheaval:

  • (noun) a state of violent disturbance and disorder
  • (noun) a violent disturbance
  • (noun) (geology) a rise of land to a higher elevation
  • (noun) disturbance usually in protest

Sentence Examples:

"If a lady deserts her husband, and there is good reason to suspect that she is, in popular phrase, 'carrying on' with another man, how can the husband be lying if he charges that man with being the cause of the domestic upheaval?"

She and England were the only two European Powers which had not been seriously shaken by the upheavals of 1848.

Heaven, however, indicated not obscurely all the upheaval that would result from it.

As with men everywhere, this discontent has manifested itself in political upheaval, so it is inevitable that it should be expressed by women in a demand for a voice in the government through which laws are made and administered.

The upheaval has been repeatedly compared to the French Revolution.

It would be a mistake to belittle or ignore this opinion, or to ascribe it to a temporary upheaval.

A generation had now passed since the first great upheaval, and men had had time to digest the lesson which it conveyed, and to draw various more or less reasonable inferences as to future possibilities.

Fortunately its raft of piles had not become detached in the upheaval.

It's the direct creation of feudalism, like all the great social upheavals!

The effect of its mysterious powers of movement and upheaval is in the end salutary.

Now, too, I noticed that, but for these stones, all roughness had disappeared, not a trace of the upheaval going on a little further south being here, for the ice lay positively as smooth as a table before me.

Europe and the Western Hemisphere were at that time in a state of general upheaval and rearrangement.

There were none of the rumblings of the coming storm which are almost invariable accompaniments of these upheavals.

Does it mean a compound radium pill Causing vast upheaval and disquiet?

The ridge on his left became almost a sheer wall; on his right a second ridge closed in until the gorge had narrowed to a hundred feet in width, choked by huge masses of rock thrown there in some mighty upheaval of past ages.

I expected to hear of many births, marriages, deaths, and social upheavals, but the village news was remarkably meager.

I found their faith had not made much progress through the terrible upheavals of the French Revolution.

Inscrutable and immovable, he seems a thing utterly apart from the tremendous upheaval of his country.

It did, via the French Revolution and the resulting upheavals.

Or a slight sinking of the land might occur, in which case also the formation of coal would temporarily cease, and a parting of foreign matter would be formed, which, on further upheaval taking place, would again give way to another forest growth.

With a great roar and the upheaval of a mighty column of water the torpedo exploded against the side of the warship.

Now, Gentlemen, are you quite sure that a political upheaval will never recur?

The existence of salmon in this inland salt sea, which lies eighty-four feet below the level of the ocean, is supposed to be due to its connection with the open sea having been cut off by a great upheaval in the prehistoric time.

The great upheaval of which the French Revolution was a part was thus originated.

The terrible upheaval of the French Revolution was shaking European society to its foundation.

They were upheavals of ice, shrouded in snow.

Furrows seamed his face, changing, re-forming, to the inner upheaval.

Gisela sometimes wondered if the hideous upheaval were anybody's fault, if the desire to fight had not been more or less simultaneous in spite of the fact that Germany was caught napping and permitted Russia and France to sneak over her frontiers.

Just think of the cracking, the crumbling, the upheavals, that such changes must have caused!

There was an upheaval of the sea just ahead; then slowly, majestically, the vast body of our foe rose into the air.

When at last the political upheaval of this century compelled men to leave, whether in histories, or memoirs, or biographies, a record of what they had themselves experienced, the character attained to its full importance and excellence.

No upheavals of the earth, no fire, pestilence, famine, or slaughter, can ever now blot it out from the ken of men.

These peculiarities are due to the upheaval of the fibers caused by rubbing.

Despite his warning Noreen nearly slipped off the pad at the sudden and jerky upheaval when the elephant rose.

Superstitions, sentiments, even language and the consciousness of nationality, linger dormant among them, till an upheaval comes, till buried seeds are thrown out on the surface and forgotten plants blossom once more.

Moreover, there were rocks in the channels, and one must strain one's eyes for the upheavals that marked sunken shoals.

The outcome of the Gould strike of 1885 and the dramatic exaggeration of the prowess of the Order by press and even by pulpit were largely responsible for the psychological setting that called forth and surrounded the great upheaval of 1886.

This upheaval meant more than the mere quickening of the pace of the movement begun in preceding years and decades.

The industrial upheaval in the middle of the eighties had, like the great strike of 1877, a political reverberation.

It was also a culminating point in the great labor upheaval.

In that sad upheaval in the labor world many innocent people lost their lives and property, and unfortunately, as is always the case, besides adding largely to the taxpayers' burdens, seriously affected people who had nothing to do with the strike.

What wretched little chances can produce the most tragically terrific upheavals!

They seemed to live in a kaleidoscope since the war began what a series of upheavals and readjustments had been theirs!

All his theories and ideas were becoming but confused upheaval in the manipulations of fate, or what you will, that were bringing strange things to pass, and he no longer could think clearly or feel calmly.

Notwithstanding all this unceasing upheaval, the tide of human progress has steadily risen.

How unsurpassed their fortitude amid the upheaval of their colossal ruin!

Even in her darkest hours Rose Mary's sun had shone on the General with its usual radiance of adoration, and he had not been permitted to feel the tragedy of the upheaval, but encouraged to enjoy to the utmost all its small excitements.

Was it possible that the ocean upheaval had stirred even the quietest backwater so little?

In later life he would certainly have been against the movement, for his mature judgment led him always to be on the side of ordered habit and custom as being less dangerous to the national welfare than a social upheaval or change.

There are upheavals compared with which our revolutions are but spasms.

The march of armies had ceased; but the march of events, accelerated by the great upheaval, moved irresistibly on.

The domestic upheaval will be unparalleled.

He had overwhelmed her; had brought about an upheaval of her world so violent that, in her bewilderment, her dread of chaos, she instinctively laid hold on the old supports and clung to them with desperation.

It was the upheaval of an utterly uncultivated side of her nature.

Like every other phase of the stupendous upheaval this one is both speculative and problematical.

These are the questions that rise out of the dust and din of the colossal upheaval which is rending half of the world.

The mental and physical may have nothing in harmony, as she says, but certainly her mental upheaval resulting from the lack of Rodney's demonstrations of love, affected her physical appetite as well as her complexion.

It would mean the overturning of my most cherished convictions, an upheaval of the very routine of my existence.

And now in this republic, a civilization based upon the freedom and education of the working classes came into collision with the Southern civilization, based upon ignorant slave labor, and there were upheavals and political outbreaks everywhere.

The biscuit dropped onto the road, with a general upheaval of crumbs from all parts of her agitated person.

Upheavals, however cataclysmic, must never deflect their course.

Will these trees perchance live to see an upheaval of the happy affairs which now exist in this country?

Such a wrench, such an upheaval as it had involved, could not but tell upon her immensely.

He touched himself on the chest, and with one of his inimitable gestures described in the air a great upheaval.

These square-topped hills rose to a common level, showing that they were not the result of an upheaval, but were the remains of the original stratification left standing after the vast scooping action of the post-glacial floods.

The upheavals in religious beliefs which this century has seen reach even emotional women and unthinking girls.

The upheaval of the first week of war was indeed serious, and the grim specter of unemployment was in the air.

The age which followed upon the vast upheaval of the Revolution was one of widespread turmoil and perplexity.

These square-topped hills ended at a common level, showing that they were not the result of an upheaval, but were the remains of the original stratification formations left standing after the scooping action of the post-glacial floods had ceased.

The fact is, however, that our type of courtship largely results from using the energy of this adolescent upheaval.

A startled exclamation, followed by a great upheaval, told that Larry had now grappled with the truth.

Perhaps he partly suspected the other had some sinister motive back of his invitation, and that when he least expected it that trailing loop would get twisted around one of his ankles, and his next step might precipitate an upheaval.

There had been sundry angry upheavals of the cover, but it was tightly tied with a stout string.

That psi was linked with emotional upheaval?

The effect of the work of Voltaire and the French philosophers was social upheaval in France.

When this man sat down his hearers were in a state of rapturous upheaval.

Just below is a deep hole, always, however, in a state of froth, upheaval, thunder, and spray.

Here you have a very strong stream, making a ridge of wavy upheaval in the middle.

What upheaval can possibly have derailed him?

Being a strong little fellow, brave as a lion, and very active, Walter was afraid of no one; so springing up during a momentary cessation of the mysterious upheavals, he instantly made a dash under the bed, and seized someone by the leg.

Thanks to the work of polyps, a slow but steady upheaval will someday connect these islands to each other.

For no sudden upheaval and reversing of relations will eliminate the enlisted man's respect for an officer.

Not a word yet, till this sense of convulsion and upheaval had passed away, and the mind was once more its own master.

Sometimes there was a terrifying upheaval in one of those graves.

It was unfortunate that she no longer fought him physically, but he'd learned to get the same excitement from her emotional upheavals; when he picked her up, and they began to boil, he came to his full size almost immediately.

The shrill call of the boatswain's mate's pipe clove the silence that followed that stupendous upheaval of sound.

Others led a quiet, uneventful life, while they were subject to continual upheavals.

No earthquake upheaval can shake the determined will of the unconquerable American to recover from disaster.

He rose, getting to his feet slowly, so that his burly bulk gained in size, like the slow upheaval of a hillside.

The result of the former is likely to be an inequality in the bending, the line or level of the edging when looked at along its course, will look uneven, as if some upheaval had taken place here and there.

I did not take much notice, however, for all my thoughts were fixed upon the bull I was stalking, when suddenly my horse gave a violent start that nearly threw me from the saddle, and there came a mighty rush and upheaval of something in front of me.

The foundation of his views, viz., of one great sudden upheaval, strikes me as threefold.

Again the judge expounded at length, touching both upon upheavals abroad and on discords nearer home.

War, pestilence and vast geographical upheavals alike were manifestations of spiritual conflict physically reflected.

Some more potent upheaval had cloven a great slice from the marble mantel.

He regretted nothing at this stage of what had transpired after the upheaval came.

They claimed that business was sound and honest, and the upheaval was caused by the agitation of demagogues.

The disorder and ruin of these several points of the original system, and the almost total destruction of its northern part, were undoubtedly caused by the third and last upheaval which gave the island the form it presents at the present day.

There will also be social and religious changes, perhaps great ones; but there are no omens of any very fierce upheaval.

Beneath it appeared, with the ponderous momentum of these big upheavals, a white growth like the mushroom's gills.