Sentence Examples:
Upholstery was for him non-existent.
The upholstery is in embossed crimson velvet.
Sofas with shabby, mutilated upholstery in bordello scarlet.
Light, delicate colors in upholstery, creamy madras for curtains.
The satin upholstery contrasted grotesquely with the adobe walls.
Carpets, rugs, draperies, and upholstery were especially imported to harmonize.
The upholstery was of deerskin, carefully affixed with brass-headed nails.
The very tone of his upholstery bespoke a distinct rise in life.
Stamped and embossed leather work is very conspicuous in domestic upholstery.
It's a beauty, shimmering orange with purple wheels and bearskin upholstery.
All padding, upholstery, or baize tops must, of course, be taken wholly away.
For upholstery needlepoint, figured and plain velvet, and damask were chiefly employed.
Gilded furniture with delicate satin upholstery, fought with wallpaper of heavy Spanish-leather design.
Furthermore, the upholstery was rather light in hue, and Gordon was afraid of bloodstains.
The suite was of apparent rosewood, with salmon-tinted upholstery ending in pleats and bows.
Upholstery stagnated at a dead level of fluted legs, gilding, plate glass, and amber satin.
The upholstery was fastened to the chairs with brass-headed tacks, often in a festoon pattern.
Without doubt, complex upholstery with roughened fabrics increases the difficulties in the maintenance of cleanliness.
It tells what color draperies harmonize with certain colors in floor coverings, upholstery and walls.
The larger skins are preferred for upholstery and the smaller for fancy goods and bookbinding.
It was an exquisite artistic commingling of all that was rare and fine in upholstery and general embellishment.
This is just the method of the simple and sensible Germans, who never wait for elegant upholstery.
If parts are to be gilt, or the whole gilt, these operations are postponed till the upholstery is completed.
The atmosphere was heavy with the smell of gas, of plush upholstery, of wilting bouquets and of sachet.
The elevator seemed to be entirely of glass, and was furnished with dainty white upholstery and gilded woodwork.
Like the grandees of the Classical Renaissance, they degraded art, which is a religion, to upholstery, a menial trade.
Tapestry, damask, satin, brocade, velvet, and worsted damask were used for upholstery, with fringes and gimps common.
The Flemish looms also produced rich stuffs for upholstery and chamber hangings, which were often sumptuously embroidered.
His love of what may be called the faded upholstery and tattered millinery of history was, indeed, remarkable.
He was a famous judge of upholstery, and the softest chair or sofa, hearthrug or divan, was instantly appropriated.
In these days of "theatrical upholstery," we can scarcely realize the shabbiness of the stage of the last century.
It is a procession of human upholstery with expensive trappings, huge Parisian hats, expensive gowns and an abundance of cosmetics.
The latest design in parlor furniture is in the Turkish style, the upholstery being made to cover the frame.
The woodwork on the chairs was gilded, and the upholstery, as I had before observed, was of old brocade.
In a room where furniture was stored we came upon two soldiers ripping the elaborate Spanish leather upholstery from chairs.
Running her fingers over the shining fenders and pushing the upholstery to test its softness, Melissa was enchanted.
Then his eyes wandered off to the cornice of the wall, whose florid rococo upholstery won his sincere approval.
The manager of the opera house was less complacent, and he had an exclamatory terror of the damage to his upholstery.
"He's going to make a lot of doilies for the chairs, so we won't soil the satin upholstery with our oily hair."
Whenever she moved, the warm perfume of amulets grew stronger, overpowering the faint mustiness of the cushions and upholstery.
He looked down the skylight, and saw the satin-wood panels, the silver fittings, the rich velvet curtains and upholstery.
Being of an ingenious turn he does painting, gilding, staining, upholstery jobs, varnishing, all in addition to his primary trade of carpentry.
He likes to see his flat or villa furnished with much red plush upholstery and a profusion of gilt and lacquer.
We must have fine houses, fine horses, fine millinery, fine upholstery, troops of servants, and give costly dinners, and attend magnificent balls.
Grey's generalship, for though the poplin had turned out a fine, uniform green, the pieces were much too narrow for upholstery.
How cultivated the mind that thus raises literature to the position of upholstery and puts thought on a level with the antimacassar!
It was a room that shocked you with no inelegance, while it invited you by a sort of generally sympathetic upholstery and appointment.
His skin had started to flake off, leaving a kind of scale or dandruff on the flat industrial upholstery inside the trunk.
There was a small sofa which stood opposite the door naked and unashamed, in all the hideousness of the original, ugly upholstery.
This is a rattan, light, cheap and easily bent, and may be bought of any firm dealing in upholstery and chair-seating materials.
"Sargent Everett," Natalia repeated after him, piling some cushions on the horse-hair upholstery so that the old gentleman would lean back comfortably.
In some models the spring unit is padded only lightly and the upholstery is encased in a separate pad for greater ease in handling.
Those whose minds are attuned to an appreciation of upholstery and kindred matters pronounce this little suite the gem of the whole establishment.
The sides are all in fancy woods, with beautifully polished inlaid panels, and all the upholstery of the saloon is of morocco leather.
Ladies, when they open their houses, modestly confessing, it may be presumed, their own incapacity, mainly trust to wax candles and upholstery.
There are wide differences in mohair upholstery fabrics, based upon the quality of wool, number of points per square inch, and height of pile.
Fresh upholstery in cheerful tints, fresh paper on the walls, good rugs, order and daintiness everywhere changed the interior out of my recognition.
As other theaters adopted the same policy of upholstery, both on and off the stage, fashion extended its complaisance to them as well.
I would have your courtier, who is but a sort of palace furniture, dress to suit, and make perfect the millinery and upholstery about him.
There was a profusion of gilt mirrors, and an aching lack of pictures: the lighting was too new and glaring: the upholstery too flimsy.
It is true that the interiors are devoid of fancy upholstery; there is a bareness as of a castle, an asceticism which expresses itself in straight-back chairs.
Contains detailed, practical instructions telling how to upholster a variety of articles, also how to re-upholster old furniture and how to do spring-edge upholstery work.
Sometimes one color only was used, which was brightened by threads of gold, or white, or some gay hue harmonizing, or contrasting, with the upholstery.
A spare parlor and bedroom I refurnished entirely, with old mahogany and crimson upholstery: I laid canvas on the passage, and carpets on the stairs.
On the whole it is preferable to be comfortable in red and green velvet upholstery than to be beautiful and unhappy in a household decorator's gilded cage.
It was then, probably, hunched up in the dowdy chair of faded upholstery, that he created the two phrases which became his formula for happiness.
Once it was placed at the foot of the heavy walnut bed, Polly whipped off the cretonne covering that always hid the hideous plush-carpet upholstery.
If I had raised the covers from the furniture I should have seen that the quality of the upholstery and the gilded wood betokened former opulence.
We are not assisted to belief in the immortality of his works, by the illustrations of the mid-Victorian upholstery in the midst of which they were manufactured.
In most types there is a thin layer of protective insulation, often of sisal (a tough, white vegetable fiber), between the spring unit and the upholstery.
A tapestry carpet in light canary ground, with clusters of lotus, or begonia leaves, makes a charming background to almost all the colors generally used in upholstery.
Suddenly he started off on a journey into the darkness and returned with a chair, a gilt thing with a rounded knob of upholstery for a seat.
He again found the subdued interior, the maroon upholstery, the flat Gothic squares of the ceiling and dark red stone walls, a place of reposeful charm.
In the poet's time pearls were not only worn as jewels, but were extensively used in embroidering rich garments and upholstery and for the adornment of harnesses.
Although the term velvet and its French equivalent (velours) may be used interchangeably, the general custom is to call drapery fabrics velours, and upholstery fabrics velvets.
The walls were irregularly covered with rhombuses, rhomboids, lozenges, diamonds, triangles, and parallelograms; the carpet was treated likewise, and also the upholstery and the cushions.
The room was a pretty and luxurious one, its prettiness and luxury wearing the air of being the result of natural growth, and suggesting no oppressiveness of upholstery.
What he really took a pride in was very fussy, covered with upholstery, with an abundance of carving and gilding, and even metal work on the exposed parts.
By all means secure storage ashore for sails, gear, cabin fitments and furniture, carpets, upholstery and bedding, otherwise you may have cause to regret it in the spring.
Montgomery herself had a like effect of unsparing use; her personal upholstery showed frayed edges and broken woofs, which did not seriously discord with her nerveless gentility.
They have restored to the Coliseum the gilding, the rich upholstery and the uniform magnificence which old Coliseum frequenters tell us Rome was so proud of fifty years ago.
I glimpsed grimy antimacassars scattered over that horrid upholstery, which was awe-inspiring, insomuch that one could not guess what mysterious accident, need, or fancy had collected it there.
Most of us have known the queer experience of the sudden disappearance of a pencil case or a pair of scissors, when sitting on a chair or sofa of a certain type of upholstery.
We wish that, in our own time, a writer of a very different order from Puff had not too often forgotten human nature in the niceties of upholstery, millinery, and cookery.
Furniture and upholstery of all kinds is, of course, procurable in Auckland; so that one can have all the comfort of an English home, if one is able to pay for it.
It is now often combined with natural fibers, particularly wool and cotton, in drapery and upholstery fabrics which afford the luster of rayon plus the strength of wool or cotton.
Dobbs's savings, however paltry, would be a sufficient bait for Rivers, who had none of that ambition for fine tailoring, upholstery, and the paraphernalia of fashionable life which becomes a gentleman.
With a vaguely innocent smile Lanyard snuggled down into luxurious upholstery and utilized the wait to look the room over with intelligent interest in the taste which had ruled its composition.
How quaint the house of Spanish construction, all open to the air, adorned with flowers like a temple, fresh and fragrant, and with no weary upholstery to sit heavy on the sight!
Such as remained, tarnished as to gilding and worn in the matter of upholstery, stood sparsely scattered on a desert of carpet, whose huge, flowered medallions had faded almost from view.
In the contemplation of their gilded curves, one scarcely notices that she has no arms or that her back is slightly curved, and her upholstery, a brocade of the season before last.
Coming here with a purpose so bold, the habit of a lifetime yet prompted him to hold his soiled garments away from the gilded and perfumed upholstery with a vague sense of apology.
One may lie down upon their tops as upon a piece of upholstery, and in the openings below are rabbits and woodchucks and sometimes bears safely hidden from the view of the hunter.
The seat and inside back may be thickly and prettily upholstered, and then piled high with pillows, or, the wood having been nicely finished, the upholstery may cover the seat only.
The theater of those days was innocent of stage upholstery, the exiguous decorations being confined to some hangings of faded tapestry on the stage and a few tallow candles with tin reflectors.
The royal couch, massive in its architecture, richly curtained in its embroidered upholstery of satin and gold, presented a bed whose pillowed luxury exhibited haggard death in the strongest possible contrast.
In like manner the unpleasant feeling that perhaps whole generations of sleepers had breathed into the same upholstery overhead, used to haunt the wakeful, in old English inns, to the murdering of sleep.
In that climate it is thought better, for the sake of spaciousness and comfort, to forego evidences of wealth in the form of carpets, hangings, and upholstery, which keep out air and retain the heat.
The Associated Artists now have to do with decoration as using or applied to textile fabrics, including as well all upholstery as the hangings, draperies, tapestry and applied decoration of any part of a room.
The choosing of draperies for the windows (there are many facing east), the tints for the walls, and the fabrics for the upholstery, she found an exhilarating venture into the unknown.